Biloxi, Mississippi (Ammoland) Ken Hackathorn, a living legend in the firearms training world, joins SOTG Radio for an exclusive interview this week. Hackathorn, one of the original founders of IPSC and IDPA, had his hand in the creation of 3-Gun shooting. Ken shares the history of 3-Gun and how the original incarnation started during the Soldier of Fortune conventions of old.
There are few active instructors in the United States with the experience and depth of knowledge that Mr. Hackathorn has to offer. Ken relates his encounter with Hunter S. Thompson at an SOF Convention in Las Vegas and how he introduced the gonzo writer to the then brand new Glock 17.
This exclusive interview will be available to all SOTG Radio Grad Program members on Friday March 13, 2014. Don’t miss this interview, visit SOTG Radio today and sign up.
Student of the Gun Radio airs every Monday through Thursday at 9 a.m. EST and can be found by going directly to using mobile devices can follow us with iTunes or Stitcher. SOTG Radio is a Think On! production.
Student of the Gun is the #1 source for education, enjoyment and enlightenment of real-world firearms including: training, videos, radio, books and articles. A beginner once, a student for life.