By Rob Morse
Louisiana- (– My friend Laura Carno observed an advanced class for armed teachers. The class is called FASTER. Laura interviewed the instructors and the students taking the class. The course material and the people made quite an impression on her. Give Laura a read. It will leave an impression on you too.
Here are a few excerpts.
- Children are being murdered in their schools while politicians trade talking points and campaign promises about school safety. What can we do to keep our children safe while politicians jockey for position in back rooms? I met some heroes who found a solution that saves lives.
- .. a shooter entered Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. In only 10 minutes, the murderer killed 20 young children and 6 adults. The 911 calls were heartbreaking.
- The Newtown, CT police arrived in five minutes.. but waited to enter the school. The murderer killed himself before police reached him. It was another 30 minutes before medical personnel entered the school and treated those still alive.
- The purpose (of FASTER) is not to replace police and EMT, but to allow teachers, administrators, and other personnel on-site to stop school violence rapidly and render medical aid immediately. If an incident occurs (at school), these teachers are on the inside of the event as it unfolds and can eliminate the active shooter/killer in seconds, not in the minutes it takes for law enforcement to arrive.
- Politicians promote the fantasy that guns should never be allowed in schools. But those same politicians need to face the reality that disturbed or evil people do bring guns in to our schools. The news shows us what happens when we leave schools unarmed.
- Some politicians argue against armed staff in schools. FASTER has thousands of person-years worth of experience. There is no politician who has studied emergency response in schools like FASTER has.
- Word of the program has spread. Teachers want this. Administrators want this. Most importantly, parents want this.
- One teacher said, “We live in a broken world. Only a competent, trained, armed defender can deal with the reality that bad people are out there in our broken world. It’s my job to stop them.”
It is our job too. The rest of Laura’s article is here.
Rob Morse: Rob writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Clash Daily and on his SlowFacts blog. He hosts the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast. He is an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.