Kansas State Rifle Association Press Conference in Support of Todd Tiahrt

Kansas State Rifle Association Press Conference in Support of Todd Tiahrt for Senate

Kansas State Rifle Association
Kansas State Rifle Association

Topeka, Kansas –-(AmmoLand.com)- The Kansas State Rifle Association and U.S. Senate Candidate Todd Tiahrt will hold a press conference on Monday, July 26th at 1:00 p.m. The press conference will be held in the Old Supreme Court Room at the State Capitol Building, Topeka, Kansas.

The Kansas State Rifle Association will discuss Tiahrt’s long record of fighting for the rights of firearm owners and his success in protecting our Second Amendment rights.

Tiahrt is the leading conservative running to replace Sam Brownback in the United States Senate. He is known nationally for protecting the privacy rights of firearm owners as the author of a federal law known as the Tiahrt Amendment. Tiahrt has come under repeated attack from gun-control organizations and liberal East Coast mayors, such as NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, for his role in drafting this firearm privacy-right law. The Tiahrt Amendment is supported by the NRA and the Paternal Order of Police, the world’s largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers.

Todd Tiahrt
Todd Tiahrt

Tiahrt is consistently rated as the most conservative member of the Kansas delegation and holds the highest lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union and the National Taxpayers Union.

He is the only candidate for the Senate who has never voted for a tax increase, and he has been recognized throughout his career for fighting for lower taxes, traditional values and limited government.

Tiahrt has been endorsed by conservative leaders from across the state and nation, including Gov. Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, former Congressman Tom Tancredo, Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist, Karl Rove, Dr. James Dobson, Steve Forbes, Dick Morris, Rep. Mike Pence, former US Attorney General John Ashcroft, JC Watts, Sen. Jim Inhofe, Kansas House Majority Leader Ray Merrick, Kansas House Speaker Pro Tem Arlen Siegfreid, Kansas House Assistant Majority Leader Peggy Mast, Kansas House Majority Whip Rob Olson, 23 Fourth District State Legislators, former Sen. Rick Santorum, Morton Blackwell, Tony Perkins, David Keene, Erick Erickson, former Sen. George Allen, Congressman Mike Rogers, former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, former Congressman Jim Ryun, and conservative talk radio icon Mark Levin.

The Kansas State Rifle Association joins the growing list of conservative groups to support Tiahrt, including the Tea Party Express, the Northwest Johnson County Republicans organization, the Kansas 9.12 Project, the Kansas Federation of College Republicans, the Independence Caucus of Kansas, Concerned Women for America PAC, Kansans for Life PAC, Family Research Council PAC, Citizens United, the Traditional Values Coalition and Eagle Forum.

The Kansas State Rifle Association has one purpose. To promote and strive for the improvement and protection of the firearms and sport shooting industry and protection of second amendment principals by encouraging and stimulating well-qualified individual citizens to run for public office and to take a more active and effective part in governmental affairs. Visit: www.ksraweb.net