Jon Stewart Blasts Obama’s Failed Promise to Veterans

Obama Veterans
Jon Stewart Blasts Obama’s Failed Promise to Veterans
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Washington DC – -( During the May 20 2013 edition of The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart brought up President Barack Obama’s unfulfilled 2009 promise to “create a seamless, computerized Veterans’ health records system.”

After covering the subject for half a segment, Stewart concluded that Obama took his two elections to office more seriously that he took fulfilling this promise to our vets.

Stewart backed up this conclusion by explaining what is required to create the computerized veterans’ health records system. And nearly everything needed to do so–things which have not been done in four years’ time–were done in 2012 for Obama’s re-election campaign.

For example, Stewart pointed that out the creation of this computerized system for Veterans requires pooling information from two separate, extant databases at the DOD and the Veterans Administration. He sarcastically pointed out that doing this would require the Obama administration to take “two disparate data bases and [turn] them into one gigantic database.” His rhetorical point was, ‘How could that be done?’

He then played a clip of a political commentator speaking after Obama’s reelection, explaining that Obama campaign won by uniting “the databases they had from the first campaign–the fundraising database, the polling database–all into one gigantic database.”

The camera then panned to Stewart who was staring blankly into it.

Stewart provided more examples of how Obama has done for himself what he didn’t do for Veterans. And pointed out that because the health records system hasn’t been completed, there is still a backlog of disability claims for 900,000 veterans. And that number is growing.

Concluded Stewart: “You could clear up this VA thing in a month,” if Obama took governing as seriously as he took getting elected.

AWR Hawkins writes for all the BIG sites, for Pajamas Media, for, for and now AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.

His southern drawl is frequently heard discussing his take on current events on radio shows like America’s Morning News, the G. Gordon Liddy Show, the Ken Pittman Show, and the NRA’s Cam & Company, among others. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal (summer 2010), and he holds a PhD in military history from Texas Tech University.

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