Wyoming –-(Ammoland.com)- Good news about Wednesday’s Senate hearing on HB-114…John Lott Jr. will be in Cheyenne to testify at the Senate Committee!
The House bill sponsor of HB-114, Representative Allen Jaggi, along with the Senate sponsor Senator Curt Meier — invited John Lott Jr. to provide expert testimony about concealed carry pertaining to HB-114 Repeal Gun Free Zones.
Lott is an Economist who received his Ph.D. in economics from UCLA in 1984 – and is well known for crunching numbers, articulating facts and providing statistics using real life data on self defense.
As you know, Wyoming’s entire field of academia has come out in full force against HB-114.
By contrast, Lott has emerged from the academic environment with an outlook that challenges the ‘feelings based’ anti-gun crowd that occupies so many American college campuses.
Lott is also the Founder and President of the Crime Prevention Research Center. You can review the organizations goals here.
In addition, Lott has published hundreds of articles in academic journals, and is the author of books, “The Bias Against Guns ( tiny.cc/kjtkux ) ,” and “More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws ( tiny.cc/sktkux ).”
Lott has enjoyed being a contributing columnist for FoxNews.com, and his opinion pieces have appeared in such places as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, and the Chicago Tribune.
We hope the entire Wyoming Legislature welcomes John Lott Jr. and his expert testimony.
For Liberty,
Anthony Bouchard
Executive Director
Wyoming Gun Owners
P.S. If you missed our eAlert about Wednesday’s Senate committee hearing on HB-114 — you can read it here.
Please contact the committee members listed and tell them HB-114 passed with a super majority in the House — without any amendments — and that you expect the same actions from the Senate.
Please consider chipping in whatever you can afford to Wyoming Gun Owners right away, that way I can continue to mobilize as many Wyomingites as possible using direct mail, Facebook, Email, and more.
Wyoming Gun Owners is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens’ organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms as guaranteed by Article 1 Section 24 of the Wyoming Constitution and the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Wyoming Gun Owners is the only organization taking action at this level–with an aggressive program designed to mobilize public support for pro-gun legislation as well as opposition to gun control. www.wyominggunowners.org