Washington, DC –-(Ammoland.com)- JPFO mourns with sorrow the senseless deaths at the tragic shooting in Aurora, CO.
We extend our condolences to the families and friends of the victims and pray for the recovery of the injured.
Unfortunately, the opponents and liberty will not hesitate to dance on the victims’ graves while singing their tired songs of firearm bans and confiscations.
Already, the Brady Bunch has called this “yet another horrific reminder that guns enable mass killings.”
At JPFO, we take a more commonsensical, measured approach. Lunatic mass murderers will not be stopped by gun bans or confiscations; those with criminal intent will always find a way to access firearms. If we revoke freedoms and liberties in reaction to every tragedy, we will soon not only outlaw all guns, but also knives, screwdrivers, hammers, pipes, and eventually pens. But blaming the tools is just a small step better than blaming the victims. Instead, let’s put the blame where it belongs: on the murderer.
At best, he should be given a life sentence with no chance of parole. But feel-good sophists — the same feel-good sophists who would confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens who want no more than to have a tool to defend their families — want us to ignore the criminal and blame the tool.
(We hope soon to have a follow-up article.)
Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy “gun control”
About Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership
Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership Mission is to destroy “gun control” and to encourage Americans to understand and defend all of the Bill of Rights for everyone. Those are the twin goals of Wisconsin-based Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO). Founded by Jews and initially aimed at educating the Jewish community about the historical evils that Jews have suffered when they have been disarmed, JPFO has always welcomed persons of all religious beliefs who share a common goal of opposing and reversing victim disarmament policies while advancing liberty for all.
JPFO is a non-profit tax-exempt educational civil rights organization, not a lobby. JPFO’s products and programs reach out to as many segments of the American people as possible, using bold tactics without compromise on fundamental principles. Visit www.JPFO.org – Copyright JPFO 2011