Jersey City, NJ Adds Gun Ethics Questions To Police Gun Purchase Bid Requirements

By Tred Law

Jersey City
Jersey City
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Jersey City, NJ –-( According to a recent Associated Press Story, it seems that one New Jersey City police department needs new guns, so with their typical ‘Request For Proposal’ (RFP) they have also added a “Social Responsibility Requirement“.

Mayor Steven Fulop says he wants municipalities to use their purchasing power to influence America’s gun-safety “conversation“.

The bid specification going out Wednesday — for roughly $200,000 worth of guns and $150,000 in ammunition — includes six questions measuring vendors’ gun safety record. One asks whether the manufacturer would commit to preventing its weapons from appearing in violent video games. Another asks what the company does to combat illegal gun trafficking.

“I think we can reshape the dialogue based on how we award contracts,” Fulop told The Associated Press. “We can’t do it ourselves. The hope is that will be replicated in other urban areas, and that we can get them to lead where Washington couldn’t.”

Who is behind this sudden push by Jersey City to try and bribe gun manufactures into embracing anti-gun agendas, the anti-human rights group ‘Moms Demand Action’.

Firearms Equality Movement
Firearms Equality Movement

So besides politicizing the purchase of needed police gear for active duty officers the questions themselves are pointedly biased to anti gun beliefs and make the assumption that gun manufactures are doing nothing to promote gun safety or are in favor of gun trafficking. Also they assume that the firearms industry is so motivated by cash that they will forgo their support for our right to keep and bear arms and give into this demand just to make a quick buck.

A real test would be if manufactures held the Jersey City Police to the same standards as lawful New Jersey residents.

IE: Only being able to get one gun a month, after applying for a Firearms Identification Card and a background check, then applying for a Pistol Permit for each gun and another background check, then paying a transfer fee to have a local FFL do another background check before handing you the gun.

Of course this would have to be done by each officer because if the department buys a bunch of guns and gives them to their officers that would be massive “Straw Purchase” under federal law.

Also guns would be limited to 15 round magazines, no adjustable stocks, no bayonet lugs or flashiders, comply with new jersey list of banned assault weapons and no hollow point “cop killer” ammunition, all things required by law in New Jersey.

That would do more to “start a conversation” than and any coercive request for support for anti-gun agendas.

The firearms industry should refuse to play this game and ignore this request or treat Jersey City the same way New Jersey treats the everyday law-abiding citizen.