By Ilana Mercer
USA – -( Can we cut the cr-p, kids? Forgive my language, but, as Ecclesiastes teaches, there’s a time for everything. The time to cuss is now.
“Radical Islamic terrorism”: He has to be able to say it! This, preach conservative talking heads, is the acid test for electing the next American president.
Is this convoluted concept one you can even remember?
“Radical Islamic terrorism” is like the LGBTQ acronym, it’s a mouthful.
It’s unmemorable, unintuitive and does not accurately describe the vile men and women who menace us in our American, English and European homelands.
“Radical Islamic terrorist” is, very plainly, wrong.
Language mediates behavior. In order to properly respond to these vipers among us who elect to kill us despite our kindness toward them, stateside, we do indeed need to properly describe them.
To be vested in linguistic accuracy is to be vested in the truth. The closer language cleaves to reality, the greater the likelihood that correct, and corrective, action will follow.
Certainly the term of choice must reflect reality, not ideology, Right or Left. Why so? If we don’t describe exactly who these killers are, we’ll be unable to eject them from our midst.
“ISIS” is not attacking us; certain Muslim immigrants are. The Islamic State simply inspires them the way progressive rock guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen might move me.
The more abstract the expert Idiocracy gets in defining our problems, the more removed will be their solutions—removed from solutions that are the legitimate purview of limited government. You and I will be forced to pay for their elaborate schemes.
So don’t be fooled.
ISIS and an abstract ideology called “radical Islamic terrorism”—a redundancy, if ever there was one, since Islam is radical—are not attacking us. Men and women upon whom we’ve conferred the right to live among us are.
These are individuals who are part of us, not part of ISIS. ISIS is happy they kill us. It’s pleased to continue providing inspiration, even training. But the ephemeral ISIS did not send them to kill us. We invited them here in the idiotic believe that they were like us.
These Muslim killers are Americans, Europeans and Englishmen. We’ve made them so. …
… Read the rest. “It’s Murder-By-Muslim Immigrant, Stupid” is now on
About Ilana Mercer:
Ilana Mercer is a paleolibertarian writer, based in the U.S. She pens WND’s longest-standing, exclusive paleolibertarian column, “Return to Reason.” Mercer contributes to The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine, and is a fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies, an award-winning, independent, nonprofit, free-market economic policy think-tank. Her latest book is “The Trump Revolution” Mercer’s website is She blogs at