USA -( Thank you for the comments on the crime statistics presented in last week’s Thursday Bulletin. I know looking at statistics like those are unpleasant, but pretending they don’t exist is a fatal error. One reason they are so high is our “entitlement society”.
There are people who believe they are owed everything, and because they are not handed everything on a silver platter, they think they are entitled to just take it. Moreover, it is “our” fault they don’t have it. If you or I get in the way, they will just kill us and take it. We have created a predator class of human wolves.
In the United States, it is estimated that there are over 1,000,0000 gang members and Chicago may have 80,000 to 100,000 of them. What does that tell you?
What do you get when you combine hate speech and a “Gun Free Zone”? You get an early morning attack on a group of Republican Congressmen practicing for a baseball game. Conservatives have suffered a relentless pounding from vile left-wing media, comedians, Broadway shows, movie stars and politicians. It is little wonder that the crack pots that populate the left-wing are spurred to violence. I don’t expect the left-wing lynch mob to relent. We must be ready to defend ourselves.
Last week, I forgot to mention the 100th anniversary of the First Infantry Division. The Big Red One was formed on June 8th, 1917. The Big Red One has been on the front lines ever since. Thirty-five soldiers of the division have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. Thanks to all who serve; we are very proud of you and thank you.
Thanks for being a member.
Saturday, June 17, 2017 at 10:00am
- NRA Day At The ISRA Range
- Free Admission – Free Parking – Rain Or Shine
- Personal Firearms Or Ammunition Can Not Be Used
The ISRA invites you, along with your family and friends (kids too), to NRA DAY at the ISRA Range at the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) in Bonfield, Illinois (near Kankakee).
At NRA DAY, you will receive firearm safety instruction, be able to view many of the latest models of firearms from various manufacturers and have the opportunity to shoot a variety of rifles, pistols, shotguns, air guns and archery equipment.
There will be re-enactors from WWII, the French and Indian Wars, as well as numerous military vehicles and related memorabilia on display.
Food and beverages will be available from vendors. NRA and ISRA memberships, as well as brochures about NRA’s shooting programs will be available.
Upcoming Events: For more information, visit
Sunday, June 18, 2017
ISRA Marksmanship League -
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
ISRA Tuesday Night Irregular Rifle League -
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
ISRA Benchrest League
F-Class League -
Thursday, June 22, 2017
ISRA Smallbore/Rimfire F-Class Thursday Night League -
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Handgun Drills – VIS Training LTD
MTG Intro to Defensive Pistol – CLASS IS FULL
MTG Low Light/Flashlight Handgun Skills (Night Shoot) -
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Mastering the Revolver
ISRA Bullseye Match
American Legion Garand Match
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