ISRA Garand Match Aggregate Competition Announced
Sat & Sun 6/20 & 21 – $150 Total Cash Prizes!
Bonfield, IL – -( What to do when ISRA and ALCCRL (American Legion Cook County Rifle League) have their Garand Matches scheduled for the same weekend at the ISRA Range at Bonfield, IL?
Make it a tournament!
ISRA and American Legion Cook County Rifle League have pooled their resources to offer cash prizes for aggregate scores resulting from competing in both of of the Garand matches.
There is a prize fund of $150 to be awarded to High Aggregate, Second Place Aggregate, High Junior and High Senior based on a shooters combined scores from the two matches next weekend.
How well can YOU shoot the old M1?
The ISRA Garand Match – The Trooper Trophy Match is Saturday June 20. The match flyer is on the internet at
The ALCCRL Garand Match is Sunday June 21. This match is to be fired with the ball ammo which will be provided, and there will be food served after this match.
Join us for a full weekend Garandapalooza! If you know your way around your M1, you may go home with cash to prove it!
The mission of the Illinois State Rifle Association has not changed – only the challenges have become more taxing. One of the greater challenges, on the foreign front especially, is the way our enemies go about attacking us. The most troubling though are our domestic adversaries – they want to disarm the civilians of Illinois and to prevent us from shooting, hunting, collecting, or even owning a firearm.
The ISRA stands at the threshold of our second century, we are continuing to promote marksmanship and gun safety, but our role is widening beyond our Founders’ wildest dreams.