Islands, Churches, and Guns

by Darren Wolfe

Bahamas police respond to a murder at a local school.
Bahamas police respond to a murder at a local school.
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Pennsylvania – -( This article is prompted by two things that happened recently.

The first was a happy event, my vacation to the the Bahamas.

The other the horrible shooting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

At first glance these two things may not seem related but the connection between them will soon be made clear.

As usual, a mass shooting like the one in Charleston brings out the gun rights haters who want to cynically use the blood of the victims to grease the skids for their gun control schemes. One hears and reads claim after nonsensical claim that if only we had less gun rights and fewer guns in the United States the victims would still be alive. Reality tells us something very different.

Unfortunately, while in the Bahamas I discovered that all is not well in paradise. During our visit a shooting happened at a school in Nassau. This sparked discussion in the local media that revealed that the Bahamas are on pace for a record number of murders this year after a substantial increase last year. How is this relevant to the US and gun control here? Because in the Bahamas they have strict gun control and way fewer guns per capita than we have here. Yet they die from gun shots at a much higher rate than Americans.

The lesson to be learned is clear and not the one gun rights haters would have us learn. Dreams of legislating away murder by outlawing guns is a dangerous fantasy. It will only lead to more violence as it doesn’t address the causes of the problem. Until we start dealing with the social dynamics that drive crime the killing will continue both here and in the Bahamas.

About Darren Wolfe
Darren Wolfe is the former Eastern Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania. His articles have also appeared in American Juror,, the Libertarian Penn, and the News services such as the New York and Rational Review have published links to his work. Darren is the Philadelphia area contact for Come Home America (, a politically neutral peace movement. Follow me on Twitter: