IOWA – -( Iowans,
I’m going to put it plainly: We need your help.
Remember the suppressor bill last legislative session that you worked so hard for? Remember how it flew through the Iowa House with overwhelming bipartisan support? Remember how excited you were when nearly every senator had pledged to vote for the bill in the Senate?
And do you remember how you felt when ONE senator–Democrat Rob Hogg–betrayed 20 out of of 26 of his Democrat colleagues and all 24 Republican senators who committed to vote for the suppressor bill (not to mention over 80 representatives in the House!) by killing the suppressor bill in his committee and preventing a vote?
Remember how mad and betrayed YOU felt?
Remember how mad you were when that same senator–Democrat Rob Hogg–blocked the Stand Your Ground bill, the Privacy of Records bill, the constitutional amendment to protect your Second Amendment rights, and other good bills? All these bills flew through the House and went on to be killed in the Senate by Hogg, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee. Clearly this guy has got to go!
Well, NOW is the time to do something about it! As you know the majority party selects committee chairmen, so if we want to stop Senator Hogg and finally advance common sense gun legislation, you must sign up to volunteer to help campaigns across Iowa so come election time, House control remains with Republicans and Senate control goes back to Republicans, ousting Senator Hogg from his position of abused power as chair of the Senate Judicial Committee.
IFC is a non-partisan group, and we are proud to have such great support from both sides of the aisle; that speaks volumes about our mission, our message and our volunteers. But first and foremost IFC is a firearms rights advocacy group, and that means that when push comes to shove, we have to back whoever advances your rights the most. So while most Iowa Democrats have been supportive of our efforts, the unfortunate fact remains that Democrats continue to appoint Rob Hogg as chairman of the Senate Judicial Committee.
If they won’t remove him, then we must–and we only need to flip a couple Senate seats to do it!
So, NOW is the time to stop being mad, to stop complaining, and to start doing something! Volunteer today to help Republicans hold the House and gain a majority in the Iowa Senate so we can advance firearms legislation once and for all! We probably won’t defeat Hogg in his district, but we can at least take his party out of power. IFC is leading a charge and we need your help to pull it off, especially if you live in any of the following Iowa Senate districts: 15 (around Newton), 39 (around Iowa City), and 41 (around Ottumwa).
Now is the time. We’re down to the wire. It’s time for the anger you all felt last session to be rekindled and put to use. Sign up today to help us put Rob Hogg in the minority!
Advancing your Second Amendment rights in Iowa,Barry B. Snell
IFC Communications Director
About Iowa Firearms Coalition:
The mission of the Iowa Firearms Coalition is to be THE firearms rights organization in Iowa, representing Second Amendment concerns for all firearms owners in the state. We will staunchly defend the rights of hunters and sportsmen as well as the rights of all Iowans to defend themselves and their loved ones. We seek to partner with other like-minded organizations to increase our effectiveness in accomplishing these goals. Visit: