Introducing the Freedoms

Introducing the Freedoms
Urban Shooter Podcast
Urban Shooter Podcast

Upper Marlboro, MD –-(  Despite how you feel about Facebook it has done a few things right.  It has made its creator rich and become a habit to some of us.  It brings people together in a way we used to reserve to special occasions.

Like Facebook, one of the few things I have done right as a gun rights activist, pastor, and firearms instructor, and some say my niche, has been bringing people together.  There are a lot of people competing for the eyeballs and attention of gun owners.  Everybody is trying to find a way to profit off of blogs and podcast.  I’ve have almost given up several times trying to make what I do online pay without begging.
It’s tough nowadays to get folks to join you in any endeavor.  Even the offering of food is not enough.  Free rarely is– so cynics abound.  I am told we are being solicited over 400 times a day as soon as we open our eyes in the morning till be shut them in the evening.
The best I can do is support those that struggle with me.  Using my gift for bringing people together I have created a new network where I can grant access to select podcasters and bloggers so that their content can be displayed on a private site like Facebook minus the advertising and loss of privacy.  Fans of these blogs and podcast can comment on the forums and discussion pages as well as chat with each other there.  This would be of great value to bloggers because they don’t have to duplicate content while getting closer to readers.  For podcasters it can be a place where you can post about your recent show and get feedback.  I make all the content providers admins on the site.
I have learned that everyone I invite won’t join.  That is going to take some getting used to.  It could be different.  Folks wonder what I am going to get out of it.  I used to think it would be good marketing platform but the problem with that is strong content providers don’t want to associate with those they feel are less than stellar.  So, I get a lot of people that don’t respond.  Don’t you realize that a no is not necessarily bad but courteous?  The Bible says “let your yay be yay and your nay be nay.” (Integrity). I’m hoping this project becomes so successful I become the mayor of cyber village.  I have Marines, law enforcement, armed citizens and veteran Army folks so far.
I am gambling on the few that come over and grow the site into a thriving community.  There is satisfaction in having good real estate.  Maybe we are not the Park Avenue spaces on the Monopoly board but I am working toward at least being the green spaces with some hotels on it.
The site is called “Freedoms’ Network,” and can be found at  .  I will be helping all the bloggers and podcasters onboard promote and grow their audiences as best I know how.  It’s a different approach honestly, than I thought about when I invested in the system but it’s actually more in line with what I do best.
If you have a blog or podcast and want to be on the Blanchard Media Group team, or just join the community visit and I’ll get the note.
Shalom Baby,
Kenn Blanchard
Kenn Blanchard of Black Man with a Gun
Kenn Blanchard
The Urban Shooter Podcast “The Pro-Gun Variety Show”
“Holla” 1-888-675-0202

Kenn Blanchard is a contributer to AmmoLand Shooting Sports News and Producer of the Urban Shooter pod cast. In addition Kenn Blanchard is a pro-gun media producer & marketing profesional that helps small businesses by providing information, entertainment , inspiration and support to the sport shooting community through blogs, voice -over, podcasting and professional speaking. Visit: