Inspired by the NRA’s GOP Convention Ads? Help Keep Them on TV

National Rifle Association
National Rifle Association

Fairfax, VA -( If you’ve been watching the Republican National Convention, you’ve probably seen the NRA’s Freedom’s Safest Place commercials.

They’re powerful, honest defenses of freedom that are making a real impact and inspiring millions of Americans. If you are among them, or if you support our Second Amendment rights, you can help the NRA keep these commercials on national television during this crucial time by donating to NRA Speaks For Me. The campaign asks Second Amendment supporters to back the NRA in its fight against the corrupt media’s false portrayal of law-abiding Americans who believe in the right to defend themselves and their families with a firearm.


Today, our TVs are plagued with the deceitful agenda of gun-hating political elites, dishonest media and radical billionaires who want nothing more than to fundamentally change our country. The NRA’s Freedom’s Safest Place commercials are a powerful counter. They feature true patriots like Veteran U.S. Navy SEAL Dom Raso, NRA News Commentator Colion Noir, rape attack survivor and mother of two Kim Corban, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, Battle of Benghazi hero Mark Geist, and NRA leaders who have the courage to tell the truth about freedom, the threat of radical Islamic terror, American values and our God-given right to keep and bear arms.

It costs millions of dollars to fund a campaign of this magnitude, and by giving to NRA Speaks For Me, you can take a stand against the biased, misinformed media talking heads, who are owned by radical billionaires and will never tell the truth about the NRA and its more than 5 million members. Elitists have billionaires on their side. But there are millions more hard-working Americans willing to fight for the Second Amendment. If you believe in an America that values family, hard work, civic duty and our God-given freedoms, help the NRA keep its Freedom’s Safest Place campaign on the air. Visit, make a donation, share the videos using #NRASpeaksForMe and challenge your friends and neighbors to do the same. Together, we can take back our TVs.

United we will bring Freedom’s Safest Place to every living room in America!