IllinoisCarry Launches Panel to Help Oversee Concealed Carry Instructors

Illinois Carry
Illinois Carry

Illinois –-( IllinoisCarry wants to be sure our members are getting the correct, full measure of training required by law.

We have launched the IllinoisCarry Instructor Oversight Panel (IIOP) to help insure instructors follow rules set by the ISP and meet the requirements of the law.

It is our concern that having Instructors whose courses do not meet state requirements could lead to the Illinois State Police and the IL General Assembly seeking stricter rules and regulations for everyone.

We have compiled a sample checklist for members to use when searching for a good instructor:

  • Does the instructor offering a NRA Basic Pistol Class as part of their training issue NRA student materials and official NRA Certificates?
  • Does the instructor offering a NRA Basic Pistol Class teach the full live-fire course required by the NRA?
  • Does the instructor fulfill the minimum time requirements for each element required? (line 271)
  • Does the instructor use the B-27 target required by law with 70% of 30 rounds needing to be in the silhouette area of the target?
  • Does the instructor present and explain the FOID Act, federal gun laws, and the IL Concealed Carry Act above and beyond a printed handout to take home?
  • Does the instructor know and inform the class that fingerprints are not mandatory for concealed carry applicants? The ISP will have 90 days to issue a license when fingerprints are submitted and 120 days if prints are not submitted.

If you have encountered a problem with an instructor or one you believe to be in violation of the Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry ACT, please contact us at

NRA Sends Strong Message to Instructors
In an effort to protect our members, the IllinoisCarry Instructor Oversight Panel plans to coordinate efforts with the NRA to ensure Illinois NRA Instructors are in compliance with NRA standards and IL laws and regulations. The IIOP has contacted the NRA and received the following statement from John Howard, National Manager, NRA Training Dept.:

The National Rifle Association has a long history of providing quality firearm training to the public and is considered the gold standard of nationally recognized training organizations. The NRA Basic Firearm Training program is a national program with established learning objectives and NRA Trainers are entrusted to conduct our courses within NRA Training Department guidelines. NRA Instructors must conduct NRA courses in accordance with the NRA course outline and lesson plan, especially in regard to the shooting drills and standards students should be accomplishing. Any deviation from NRA policies or course objectives reflects a lack of interest in the quality of our program.

In addition, anyone wearing “NRA Certified Instructor” attire or using the “NRA Certified Instructor” title on non-NRA courses, must include the disclaimer, “This is not an NRA Approved Course,” in print equal to or larger than the size used for the course title. NRA cannot and will not be associated with any training that does not meet our standards.

Violation of these policies will result in revocation of your NRA credentials. If you have any questions concerning NRA Training Programs, please contact the NRA Training Department.

If you know of individuals that feel that their training was lacking quality, we will do our best to assist you in finding instructors with quality reputations.


John Howard
National Manager
NRA Training Department
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA 22030

The IllinoisCarry forum was started in April 2004. The idea was that Illinois needed a central location to communicate ideas and information regarding 2nd Amendment issues in Illinois. There are many organizations in Illinois working to protect our 2nd Amendment Rights. Working with these groups IllinoisCarry has become the central location for information and Action Alerts. IllinoisCarry will not endorse political candidates. We simply provide information so voters can make informed decisions. Our goal is to join the other 48 states that allow their citizens to carry concealed firearms. We encourage you to register on our forum and join the fight for your 2nd Amendment Rights in Illinois. Visit