Illinois, is a Firearm Ban Coming to Your Community?

Lt. Gov. Calling for Ban on Common Firearms and Magazines

No Guns
Illinois, is a Firearm Ban Coming to Your Community?

Illinois –-( Will There Be a Ban In Your Community?

Lt. Governor Sheila Simon is encouraging home rule communities to pass a ban on commonly used firearms and magazines in advance of the new Right to Carry bill becoming law. An amendment written into HB183 by Senate President John Cullerton would allow home rule entities up to 10 days after the bill become law to establish a ban on certain firearms and magazines. The Lt. Gov. is encouraging mayors and city councils to get ahead of that deadline and pass a ban now.

A letter from the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus to Illinois mayors spelled out the deadline and also included a “model” ban which turns out to be a copy of the Cook County Weapons Ban.

Stop these bans in their tracks. Attend your city council meeting to see if a ban is being proposed. If a ban is being considered.

Two important questions to ask the council are:

  1. What are the current statistics of these particular firearms being used in crimes in your community?
  2. Does your community have the financial resources to fund a legal defense of the ban in a court challenge?

Please let us know if your city council is considering passing a firearm/magazine ban.


From the Illinois State Rifle Association: North Shore Townhall Meeting on Municipal Gun Regulations

Thursday, June 13, 2013
Vernon Township Community Center
2900 N. Main Street, Buffalo Grove

Several communities trying to pass so-called “Assault Weapon Bans”

After the passage of IL HB-183 (amended to be CCW) through both houses of the Illinois Legislature, Rep Drury and Lt. Gov Sheila Simon have issued statements urging the passage of local firearms bans during a window of time provided for in the bill.

Simon and Drury are promoting bans on semi-automatic firearms that you own under the guise of “Assault Weapons”. This would likely include popular sporting and defensive firearms like the AR-15, and standard-capacity magazines for all kinds of handguns and rifles. Law-abiding gun owners could face confiscation of their firearms or criminal prosecution.

At this time, Deerfield and Highland Park appear to be considering new local ordinances.
What about your town?

If you live in the North Shore area, please come to this Townhall Meeting to learn what you can do to stop this effort to ban your firearms.

Deerfield Mayor Rosenthal Pushes Village Board to Pass Firearm Ban

Mayor Harriet Rosenthal is pushing the Deerfield Village Board to pass a ban on commonly owned and used firearms and magazines. Fearing HB183 will bring an end to home rule entities’ ability to pass such a ban in the future, she insists the trustees vote on a ban before time runs out.

If you live in the village of Deerfield, please attend the trustees meeting and voice your opposition to any ordianance banning firearms and/or magazines in your community!


Monday, June 17, 2013
7:30 P.M.
Meeting is open to the public
Second Floor Robert D. Franz Council Chambers
Deerfield Village Hall
850 Waukegan Road
Deerfield, IL

The IllinoisCarry forum was started in April 2004. The idea was that Illinois needed a central location to communicate ideas and information regarding 2nd Amendment issues in Illinois. There are many organizations in Illinois working to protect our 2nd Amendment Rights. Working with these groups IllinoisCarry has become the central location for information and Action Alerts. IllinoisCarry will not endorse political candidates. We simply provide information so voters can make informed decisions. Our goal is to join the other 48 states that allow their citizens to carry concealed firearms. We encourage you to register on our forum and join the fight for your 2nd Amendment Rights in Illinois. Visit