Gun Owners Win This Round! Let’s Keep the Phone Lines Hot!
Illinois –-( Your phone calls, emails and faxes paid off!
Senate sponsors could not find the votes for HB815 and HB1263 yesterday.
The bills included a semi-auto/magazine/and public range restrictions that would have served as a ban. After passing the bills out of Senate Public Health Committee on Wednesday night, the bills floundered on Thursday when the sponsors could not gather enough support to call the bills for a vote.
The lame duck session continues until Wed. Jan. 9 when the new 98th General Assembly members will be sworn into office.
Please call your State Senators at their home district offices over the weekend and urge their continued support in opposing these outrageous attempts to infringe on our Second Amendment rights.
To find out who your State Senator is call 217-782-2000
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Forward to your friends, family, and contacts!
Disarming innocent victims does NOT make them safer! The only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun…
The IllinoisCarry forum was started in April 2004. The idea was that Illinois needed a central location to communicate ideas and information regarding 2nd Amendment issues in Illinois. There are many organizations in Illinois working to protect our 2nd Amendment Rights. Working with these groups IllinoisCarry has become the central location for information and Action Alerts. IllinoisCarry will not endorse political candidates. We simply provide information so voters can make informed decisions. Our goal is to join the other 48 states that allow their citizens to carry concealed firearms. We encourage you to register on our forum and join the fight for your 2nd Amendment Rights in Illinois. Visit