Idaho: Co-Sponsors for Castle Doctrine Growing!

Idaho Second Amendment Alliance
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance

Idaho-( The list of legislators for Co-Sponsoring Castle Doctrine continues to grow.

This legislation is going to be a tough battle and we need as many citizens as possible to reach out to their legislators and ask them to co-sponsor this important bill!

Are your legislators on the list of co-sponsors? We’ll get to that in just a minute.

We’ll get to that in just a minute.

As a quick refresher, the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is pushing a Castle Doctrine bill that does several things:

  • It moves the presumption of innocence from the criminal to the homeowner. In other words, you are presumed to have acted within the law unless the criminal or State can prove otherwise.
  • It protects you in your home, vehicle, and place of business.
  • It also provides criminal immunity should the State attempt to punish you for defending your life and would require the State to reimburse legal expenses to you should you be found not guilty.
  • There is also a provision for civil immunity that would prevent the family from suing you for acting in self-defense.

These important changes to our current law are important for the protection of homeowners everywhere.

For too long we have given the criminals the benefit of the doubt when they break the law and come into your home without permission.

The liberal media and weak-kneed politicians are trying to keep the current law as is. They claim that what we have now is sufficient. It isn’t.

If a creep comes into your home currently, and doesn’t break in to do it, you do not necessarily have the right to fire on that individual. You would have to prove you felt your life was threatened.

We want to shift that burden to the criminal and the State.

Current law says the person defending their life is essentially presumed guilty and must defend their actions to law enforcement and to the courts.

That’s not the way it should be and that’s why we are fighting for this change.

As many of you know, Rep. Christy Zito (R-23) has been pushing for a hearing on this important bill for weeks.

She has been building an important coalition of legislators who support the effort as well.

The following is a list of legislators who are currently co-sponsoring the Castle Doctrine bill supported by the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance:

Rep. Heather Scott (R-1)
Rep. Sage Dixon (R-1)
Rep. Eric Redman (R-2)
Rep. Ron Mendive (R-3)
Rep. Don Cheatham (R-3)
Rep. Mike Kinglsey (R-6)
Rep. Paul Shepherd (R-7)
Rep. Priscilla Giddings (R-7)
Rep. Dorothy Moon (R-8)
Rep. Ryan Kerby (R-9)
Rep. Greg Chaney (R-10)
Rep. James Holtzclaw (R-20)
Rep. Steven Harris (R-21)
Rep. Jeff Thompson (R-30)
Rep. Bryan Zollinger (R-33)
Rep. Ron Nate (R-34)
Rep. Karey Hanks (R-35)

If your legislator is not on that list, then they are not currently co-sponsors of this important piece of legislation.

Time is running out on the 2017 Session and we need you to act right away!

What can you do?

  1. Call your legislators right away. If you don’t’ know who they are, you can call the House switchboard number and they can guide you in the right direction. That number is 208-332-1000.
  2. Once you have called your Representatives, make sure you sign the petition for Castle Doctrine right away.
  3. Finally, we are in an all-out media blitz pushing Castle Doctrine across the State of Idaho. Consider a generous donation of $100, $50, or $25 to help continue this blitz!

The anti-gun liberal media is already out in full force against us. This is the time we must go on offense and stand for our rights.

P.S. Castle Doctrine is gaining more co-sponsors by the day. Time is running out to move this legislation forward and we need you to act now!

Call your Representatives today and make sure they are co-sponsors for Rep. Christy Zito’s Castle Doctrine bill.

The number for the House switchboard is 208-332-1000.

After you have reached them then sign the petition immediately for Castle Doctrine in Idaho!