‘I’m Not Moving. They’re Going To Change.’ ~ Emily Miller on Gun Control

By John Willett

Emily Miller pictured (center) with Theresa Marchitto Hubal (right) and Linda Ponzetto (left) on Feb. 12th 2014 at South Jersey Shooting Club.
Emily Miller pictured (center) with Theresa Marchitto Hubal (right) and Linda Ponzetto (left) on Feb. 12th 2014 at South Jersey Shooting Club.
Bold Departure Podcast
Bold Departure Podcast

New Jersey –-(Ammoland.com)-  That about sums up the feelings of gun owners, who gathered to hear Emily speak speak at the South Jersey Shooting Club, NJ, when considering oppressive firearms laws.

This great event was held at the South Jersey Shooting Club. Emily Miller appeared to speak and sign books, hosted by NJ2AS. Emily gave a great talk.

She really seemed to enjoy speaking to a group of gun owners who share a similar experience when acquiring firearms. Her topics focused on her introduction to the world of firearms ownership, her interactions with other members of the media, and the reactions of family members after her first gun purchase.

She also addressed those who encouraged her to “vote with her feet” and move to a more firearm friendly locale, “I’m not moving. They’re going to change.” Additionally she read some excerpts from her book.

Emily’s time concluded with a standing ovation from all the attendees. After Emily’s talk, a question and answer segment was held. Among the questions asked was one with which we have spent a great deal of time here pursuing. How can each of us make a difference? Emily took the question as an opportunity to encourage support for challenges to New Jersey’s “may issue” permitting scheme and the organizations sponsoring the lawsuits.

We have long been fans of Emily’s work, particularly her publicizing the treatment of veterans caught up in DC’s legal system due to their insane laws. Thanks to Emily for making the trip to New Jersey to meet with gun owners here. And also a big thank you to Theresa Marchitto Hubal for organizing the event.

Bold Departure is a reference to adopting a different way of thinking, like a paradigm shift. Freedom lies in being bold, as the quote referenced in our banner proclaims. We specifically support the state of New Jersey adopting a radically different approach than the one that exists toward firearms currently. This change would be one in which New Jersey applies a stance consistent with the Constitution and the majority of the states that comprise the United States. We also support generally the broad recognition of the 2nd Amendment throughout the United States. Visit www.bolddeparture.com