HSUS Sponsors Bill to Ban Bear & Bobcat Hunting

Hunting Dogs
HSUS Sponsors Bill to Ban Bear and Bobcat Hunting

SACRAMENTO, CA –-(Ammoland.com)- The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has joined forces with Senator Ted Lieu and Senate President Pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg to introduce Senate Bill 1221, legislation that would outlaw the use of dogs for hunting bears and bobcats in California.

This misguided legislation not only threatens the long-standing tradition of hunting these species with hounds, but would set precedent placing all other types of hunting with dogs in serious jeopardy.

In addition to this concern, COHA is committed to ensuring that all-natural resource management decisions – including method of take – are appropriately made by the California Fish and Commission, in a public forum and based on the best available science.

COHA will work with our member organizations – including the California Houndsmen for Conservation and the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance – and our individual members to defeat this blatant anti-hunting measure. Stay tuned to future Field Wires for more information and how you can assist COHA in this effort.

About California Outdoor Heritage Alliance

The California Outdoor Heritage Alliance (COHA) is a partnership of conservation organizations, outdoor industry, other related interests and individuals who support science-based wildlife management and the preservation of our hunting rights in California. COHA is a 501(c)4 Political Advocacy organization dedicated solely to influencing legislative, regulatory and administrative policy decisions which promote wildlife conservation and our outdoor heritage. For more information about COHA, visit www.outdoorheritage.org.

California Outdoor Heritage Alliance