House Passes Bill with Switchblade Amendment

House Passes Bill with Switchblade Amendment

Operation Switch Hunt
Operation Switch Hunt

Washington, DC –-( On Oct. 16, the United States House of Representatives finished its approval of a Homeland Security appropriations bill that contains an amendment to the 1957 Switchblade Act.

It’s now up to the U.S. Senate to approve the bill’s House’s language before it is sent to President Barack Obama for signature.

If the bill becomes law, the 1957 Switchblade Act would be amended to permanently exclude assisted openers from the types of knives prohibited in the United States.

Threatening the chances of this happening is controversy regarding the appropriations bill itself, according to this Wall Street Journal article. The measure includes provisions to move Guantanomo Bay prisoners to the U.S. for prosecution. That conflicts with a previous House resolution banning the transfer of those prisoners to the U.S. mainland.

If support for the appropriations bill breaks down, the edgencia may have to start from scratch in passing legislation this session.

Both major knife advocacy groups, AKTI and Knife Rights, are suggesting not to contact their representatives in Washington at this time.