Honor Defense Partners with Jones & Company in the Southeast

Honor Defense Names Sportco as its Midwest Sales Group
Honor Defense Partners with Jones & Company in the Southeast

Honor Defense LLCUSA -(Ammoland.com)- Honor Defense is pleased to announce a partnership with Jones & Company for sales and marketing in the southeast.

Honor Defense has been quickly established as the best single stack 9mm in America. Developed with more features than any other concealed carry pistol, the Honor Guard models are 100% American parts and materials, and assembled by veterans.

They have been noted as the best single stack 9mm available by professional reviewers and already approved by several law enforcement departments.

“Jones & Company is a strong team and were highly recommended. They represent many top brands and work closely with the top retailers. We are proud to partner with them in the southeast.” said Gary Ramey, President of Honor Defense.

For more info about Honor Defense, please visit their website.


About Honor Defense:

Honor Defense offers the finest American-made pistols-using only American partners and materials. Honor Defense pistols are built with more features and higher quality standards than other pistols in their size range. To create its pistols, Honor Defense secured input from a panel of professionals that have defended our nation or have extensive credentials in self-defense training.

For more information, please visit their website.