Dan Wos, Author of – Good Gun Bad Guy
Host of The Loaded Mic
USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- Kathy Hochul is suffering some major defeats in New York State. As hard as she tries to ban guns in the Empire State, the Supreme Court continues to punish her for violating the very people she represents. The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association defeat that she suffered seems to have caused more irrationally reactive behavior from the originally appointed Governor. In what seems to be a last-ditch effort to make her hatred for the 2nd Amendment known, Hochul has now decided to ban children’s toys right before Christmas.
On August 16, 2022 Kathy Hochul signed legislation S.687/A.3998 to strengthen restrictions on toy guns, preventing the sale of them in New York, under the guise of “keeping New Yorkers safe.” This new law went into effect right before Christmas on November 14th, 2022.
Hochul said, “My top priority as governor is keeping New Yorkers safe, and that means cracking down on devices used to commit crime. Restricting these realistic-looking devices will ensure misleading and potentially dangerous devices are off our streets, keeping kids, law enforcement and all New Yorkers safe.”
The Democrat’s justification for this legislation is that since 1994 there have been eight deaths where toy guns were used in the incidents. In these cases, it would be safe to assume that the victims of the crimes were not the ones killed. Remember, the guns used by the criminals were fake. This leads us to believe that the people who died in these crimes, were the bad guys. Hochul said herself, she wants to crack down on “devices used to commit crime.” Is she trying to protect the criminals?
It’s interesting how Hochul focuses on “cracking down on devices used to commit crime,” yet somehow cracking down on the “people who commit crime” isn’t found on her list of priorities. Protecting those who get killed as a result of committing a crime with a gun that doesn’t shoot, appears to be the goal here.
Ironically, when Hochul was appointed Governor, one of the first things she did was let 191 prisoners out of Rikers Island. Crime has since skyrocketed in New York State and in many cases the culprits are the very people who have been let out of jail, given early release or who have enjoyed the no-bail policy. You would think Kathy Hochul would make it a priority to prosecute criminals and keep violent perpetrators in jail. Well, it would be if her intentions were really to “keep New Yorkers safe.” Instead, she has decided to ban toy guns right before Christmas.
This is not the first time we have seen this type of attack on children’s toys by New York Democrats. Just two years ago the Empire State Consumer Project attempted to ban Nerf guns under the guise that toy guns breed mass murderers.
Is the intention behind Hochul’s toy ban really to stop crime, or is this an example of an angry woman intent on protecting criminals from their victims and punishing children for playing with guns?
The 2nd Amendment is not a privilege. It’s your right.
Dan Wos
Author – Good Gun Bad Guy
Host – The Loaded Mic
About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy
Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE
Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.