HHS Leaks Your Health Records And Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms

HIPAA Privacy Rule
Health Records And Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Montana Shooting Sports Association
Montana Shooting Sports Association

Missoula, MT –-(Ammoland.com)- Last session Montana Shooting Sports Association got a bill passed that the governor signed that clarifies that you may not be denied medical treatment in Montana because you refuse to answer questions at a medical facility about the guns you own or how you store them, EXCEPT that medical providers may ask if you are carrying a firearm at the time of treatment.

The news item link, below, will tell you why it is important that you not let information about your guns creep into your medical records:

Last week, the Health and Human Services Department announced a plan to share your medical records with over 35 federal agencies – all in the name of “health care,” of course.

All in the name of “efficiency,” the favorite excuse used by fascists wherever they appear… What this really does is remove the privacy and control in your relationship with your doctor by removing your records from their office file cabinet and dumping them into the Internet “cloud” where everyone and anyone can access them…

With the release of the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan, the HHS is required to seek input from the public and has opened a two-month period ending Feb. 6, within which you can be heard. If there is one thing that represents everything dangerous about an expanding federal government, this is it.

Take a stand and make sure they know you reject this unacceptable violation of your privacy and expansion of the federal government’s control of our lives. (I don’t know that anyone can access data stored in the “cloud” but professional hackers seem to do so. Be careful with what you allow into your medical record.)


Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana

About Montana Shooting Sports Association:MSSA is the primary political advocate for Montana gun owners. Visit: www.mtssa.org