HEVI-Shot Now on Facebook
Sweet Home, OR – -(AmmoLand.com)- If you haven’t signed up as our friend on Facebook make sure you do so today!
Throughout the summer months when we aren’t out shooting coyotes we will be putting up some screaming deals on our Facebook page for all of our friends.
Just as an example, this week for our Facebook friends we have our Dead Coyote hat for a ten dollar bill delivered right to your doorstep!
To become a fan and stay tied in to our Facebook specials sign up here https://www.facebook.com/hevishotammo
And as an added bonus, once you have joined our Facebook page, send your Facebook log name along with your mailing address to sales@hevishot.com for a limited edition HEVI-Shot item that will help make your summer even better!
Have a great fourth of July!