Herb Lanford for 2019 NRA Board of Directors, Interview

Herb Lanford
Herb Lanford for 2019 NRA Board of Directors, Interview

USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- Herb Lanford is running for re-election to the 2019 National Rifle Association’s board of directors. Herb is a workhorse on the NRA-BoD and his experience, and institutional knowledge of the organization is an asset for the membership and an individual worth considering for your vote for the next NRA board election.

Fredy Riehl: Hello Herb thanks for taking the time to respond to AmmoLand News about your run for re-election to the NRA Board of Directors. Can you introduce yourself to our readers?

Herb Lanford: Thank you, Fredy, for the opportunity to answer your questions and share information with my fellow NRA members.

I am a lifelong resident of South Carolina (except while on active duty in the Army), I was first introduced to firearms as a child by my father, who gave me my first rifle, and to hunting a few years later by a cousin.

I participated in formal competition (small-bore rifle) on my college rifle team, and took up service rifle competition after completing active duty.

I began to become politically aware and active while in junior high school, continuing at increasing levels in high school and particularly in college. Except during my active duty military service, political activism has become a lifelong commitment.

Fredy Riehl: You have been active with the board for a few years. Can you let our readers know what lead you to place your name out-there to run for NRA board and how many terms you have had?

Gun Owners Of South Carolina

Herb Lanford: Our Second Amendment rights and the NRA organization itself are facing the most severe coordinated and well-funded attacks in my lifetime. At the same time, the NRA’s responsibilities across the many program areas serving our members – and which positively reinforce our perception by the public and our effectiveness – continue and demand experienced leadership. I offered for the NRA Board of Directors to use my knowledge and experience to contribute to meeting these challenges.

I came to the NRA Board from our grassroots family following five terms as president of my NRA State Association, Gun Owners Of South Carolina (after which we were named the NRA State Association of the Year). I served on the NRA Board from 1986 until 1992, served as a non-Board committee member from 1992 until 1994, was returned to the Board by our members in 1994, and have continued to be elected to the Board since then.

Fredy Riehl: When people think of NRA board members we think of names that have been very vocal in current gun politics, but the NRA-BoD duties are much broader than just the political side, and your focus has been more on the NRA programs leadership. Can you give an understanding of what duties you have taken on in your past terms on the board and what you would like to see more focus on?

Herb Lanford: The NRA is – as it must be – a multi-faceted organization responsible for serving our members and our cause on many fronts. We do not have the option of a single focus; all of our efforts must be responsive and mutually reinforcing, consistent with responsible use of available resources. This means the NRA Board of Directors must collectively have the scope, knowledge, and experience to lead in this reality.

I have had the privilege of serving on a number of committees as a committee member, committee vice chairman, and committee chairman, and have served as a member of the Executive Committee and as a member of the Board of Trustees of The NRA Foundation. I currently serve as the chairman of the Clubs & Associations Committee and as a member of the Audit Committee and the Membership Committee.

A priority which I share with other committee chairpersons is continuing to enhance the sense (and reality) of active partnership to use available resources to meet our responsibilities effectively and efficiently while recognizing and acting on opportunities (and turning challenges into opportunities). Even more focus on this perspective – which must continually be viewed and approached as an on-going work-in-progress subject to regular review and updating – will enable us to look to and continuously build the structure and programs required to serve and win for years to come.

Fredy Riehl: We have heard a lot of reports on NRA budget cuts and shortages. Can you tell us how that will affect things like NRA Traning, competitive shooting sports, education, and gun safety programs?

Herb Lanford: Legitimate demands on the NRA’s not-unlimited resources – for new initiatives and to take advantage of unexpected opportunities, as well as continuing programs – have never been greater. At the same time, anti-Second Amendment forces – accurately recognizing that the NRA is the principal obstacle to their agenda – have launched financial attacks intended to bankrupt and destroy the Association.

Meeting and overcoming these challenges will require continuing scrutiny of every program, informed forward-looking prioritization, and a balanced approach to resource allocation to maintain core functions. Much of the specific information I have received is from executive sessions of the Audit Committee and therefore can not be disclosed, but I can say I am convinced that we will meet our challenges head-on and emerge even stronger and better prepared for the future.

Fredy Riehl: If you are successful in your re-election efforts what is left unfinished that you would like to see the NRA complete under your next three-year appointment.

Herb Lanford: If the NRA Voting Members grant me re-election, I would like to spend the next three years working to complete the effort to prepare our affiliate family (particularly our state associations) for an even higher level of responsibility in the NRA-affiliate partnership. Including moving the relationship between the Clubs & Associations Committee, the Membership Committee, and the Outreach Committee to the level which can and will take full advantage of their respective mutually-reinforcing strengths; and placing the NRA in a financial position which is invulnerable to the machinations of our opponents.

Fredy Riehl:  Herb, thank you for your efforts and good luck with the re-election efforts.

Voting-eligible members, please consider voting for Herb Lanford when you get your ballots in the mail.