Have You Been Denied A NJ Firearms ID Card?

Have You Been Denied A NJ Firearms ID Card?
Citizens for a Safer New Jersey
Citizens for a Safer New Jersey

New Jersey –-(Ammoland.com)- Have you been denied a NJ Firearm Owners Identification Card or Permit To Purchase A Handgun because the issuing authority “felt there were too many guns in the community”.

Or a member of your household has a prior criminal conviction, or other such reason?

Let C4SNJ know!

As part of our mission to educate the public about NJ self defense related issues, we are looking to compile case stories that point out the absurdities regarding NJ gun laws.

The case stories will be published once we receive them.

Your name will be kept confidential. We do ask that you at least let us know what county, if not who the issuing authority was, where the denial took place.

Please email your story to info@c4snj.org .

Thank you in advance for your help!

About Citizens for a Safer New Jersey
Citizens for a Safer New Jersey includes individuals from all walks of life and from all across the State of NJ pulling together to create an avenue to address a huge void whereby New Jerseyans can help themselves to feel safe and be safer in their everyday lives. Visit: www.c4snj.org