GVK11 Outdoors – Fishing for a Legacy at Vermillion Bay, Ontario

Billy Kats & Matt Arkins ready to get hooked by Confusion Lake & Wilderness Air

GVK11 Outdoors – Fishing for a Legacy at Vermillion Bay, Ontario
GVK11 Outdoors – Fishing for a Legacy at Vermillion Bay, Ontario
GVK11 Outdoors
GVK11 Outdoors

Lombard, IL -(AmmoLand.com)- GVK11 Outdoors host, Billy Kats, has never been one to grow roots.

While Illinois is where he hangs his hat, his second home is wherever his father’s legacy… and adventure take him. This time Kats and award-winning photographer, director and cinematographer, Matt Arkins, head to Confusion Lake, near Vermillion Bay, Ontario, Canada for off-the-charts muskie, lake trout, walleye and northern pike fishing!

While Kats and Arkins are no strangers to traveling or fishing, this trip is different; in fact, you’re about to find out just how deep Billy’s roots really do run. This trip is much ado about everything DAD. That’s right. GVK11 Outdoors was borne of Kat’s desire to carry on and pass on to others his father’s legacy of a life lived and loved outdoors.

“From the moment we take off for Confusion Lake with Wilderness Air to the last cast backlit by a setting sun, you can bet my father’s passion will be right there in the middle of it.”

Kats and Arkins stand poised to share the GVK11 Outdoors story with any Canadian crossing their paths… or boat wake.

“We’re going to be busy, very busy,” adds Arkins, “amassing a boat-load of GVK11 memories to share in a special documentary as well as when the GVK11 Outdoors TV show hits national airwaves, in 2016.

Even cooler than Canadian air and stock footage, the planned GVK11 Outdoors documentary is purposed in capturing and illustrating a father’s legacy, a son’s passion and ultimately the higher calling answered by both.

Billy Kats
Billy Kats

Catch the spirit of GVK11 Outdoors before it hits national airwaves by visiting GVK11Outdoors.com.

About GVK11 Outdoors

Billy Kats’ GVK11 Outdoors is focused on delivering valuable, unbiased and credible information those adventure seekers with an affinity for our outdoor heritage, regardless of age, gender or level of experience. Founded as a tribute to his father, George Vasilios Katsigiannis (and his lucky number “11”), Kats’ GVK11 Outdoors seeks to deliver the grit, integrity and adventure of the outdoors from the perspective of a father’s legacy through the GVK11 Outdoors website, social media and soon, premium television.. “Be a full-timer, not a part-timer!”

For more information, visit www.GVK11Outdoors.com.

About Matt Arkins

Matt Arkins travels the globe as an award-winning photographer, director and cinematographer with an extensive 21-year background in documentaries, commercial production, television, feature films and music videos. His work has been showcased by some of most respected companies in the industry including The Discovery Channel, National Geographic, CBS, Versus, The Animal Planet, WWF, Field & Stream and numerous others.

He may be reached for assignment at matt@mattarkins.com.