#GUNVOTE 2014: Don’t Risk Losing Your Personal Rights



NEWTOWN, Conn –-(Ammoland.com)- The 2014 elections, particularly the most closely contested races for U.S. Senate seats, offer two possibilities.

The first is for our industry and consumers to join forces with other pro-Second Amendment groups and individuals to lead the way in electing enough new pro-gun lawmakers to ensure that the anti-gun agenda can’t pass in either chamber of Congress during the final two years of the Obama administration.

The alternative is the very real prospect of anti-gun candidates succeeding in enough close races to provide the handful of votes needed to resurrect and ramrod a sweeping roster of proposed restrictions through the Senate.

Which scenario will become reality?

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is betting $50 million dollars that he can bring his agenda back to life on Capitol Hill. The Obama political machine is putting everything it has behind the same goal. Together, they hope to steamroll the voters into electing enough anti-gun politicians to provide Barack Obama with a rubber stamp for the sweeping federal anti-gun agenda he has thus far been denied.

We can’t hope to match Bloomberg’s bankroll, but we can all do our part to contribute to the groundswell of grassroots support that is needed to protect our rights.

On Election Day, every gun owner, hunter, and Second Amendment supporter must cast an informed ballot that prioritizes the protection of our rights. And the first step is making sure you are properly registered to vote. That’s why we are providing this easy-to-use tool to fill out your application online, then simply print it out and put it in the mail. It’s that easy.

More than a year later, it’s easy to forget that on April 17, 2013, the U.S. Senate held a series of votes that could have had a serous effect on our Second Amendment rights and the lawful commerce in arms. One of those proposals would have made it impossible for the industry to execute the timely transfer of any firearm. Another would have banned the most popular products that embody the exercise of Second Amendment rights for many segments of our consumer base. We don’t want to see a repeat of those votes — or something worse.

Don’t risk your rights. REGISTER TO VOTE today. Keep yourself informed. And on Election Day — GUNVOTE.


Help Spread the Word

  • USE THE BUTTON . . . NSSF is encouraging its members and others to proactively use its GUNVOTE icon on their websites and other electronic communications. The goal is to remind hunters, shooters and gun owners that together they can make a huge impact at the polls this Election Day. NSSF asks that the icon be linked to nssf.org/gunvote, a good resource for gun owners on the 2014 elections. Download the button at nssf.org/gunvote.