Launches New Features & a “Win Free Ammo for a Year” Prize
SEATTLE, WA –-(, the authoritative community for gun enthusiasts to share, discuss, review and compare guns and accessories with confidence, is celebrating their official launch by announcing several new features including Polls, Gun News, Friends, and GunUp “Experts.”
GunUp Experts is a system that will promote community recognized users as subject matter experts on guns, online.
Members are awarded points based on contribution, influence and moderation. Earning points is as simple as pushing a button. Points accumulated through December 15, 2010 will give members and new members alike, ample opportunities to earn prizes, including the Grand Prize of “Win Free Ammo for a Year.”
It’s that easy; start establishing yourself as a GunUp Expert by joining and begin earning points to earn prizes. Bloggers who join the GunUp Blogger Network, automatically will receive a GunUp belt buckle and GunUp T-Shirt.
Be sure to become a GunUp member today and don’t forget to check out their state of the art Gun Comparison Tool (GunFinder) and their real time gun price tool (GUestimate).
About GunUp, Inc.:
GunUp, Inc., located in Seattle, Washington, was founded in 2010 by Dan Hall, a combat veteran and firearms enthusiast. Working with a team of like-minded, Internet savvy technicians and programmers, they created the only online firearms community where new and experienced gun owners can access current product information and access subject matter experts in the firearms industry.