says Happy Flag Day with Five New State Flag Designs (with guns on them!)

With Flag Day coming up, the ad-wizards at got to racking their brains, figuring out how we could cash in on this unofficial though oddly well-remembered holiday.  Well, being the overly literal folks that we are the first thing that jumped into our heads was flags… with guns on them.

There are three nations that have guns on their flags—Guatemala, Mozambique and Haiti— but something about spotlighting a bunch of war torn countries didn’t seem to be in the spirit of this holiday honoring the adoption of the US flag.  Next, we turned our attention to US state flags but were aghast to find only three, states proudly bearing firearm on their standards*—Delaware, as seen in the cover image (which left us scratching our heads) Michigan (though it’s sort of on a flag within a flag, and West Virginia.  Go, Mountaineers.

And that just can’t be, because to us, flags and guns are soul mates—one a symbol of freedom, the other a protector of freedom.  So in honor of Flag day, is submitting five revamped state flags that do a better job of honoring each state’s history with guns.  These flags are variations on the original flag themes.


Original flag

New flag

The Arizona flag works off kind of the same principle as one of those optical illusion paintings (you know, the kind where you can see either a young lady or an old hag, depending on where your eyes take the picture).  Never bashful about their all-abiding love of guns (and gun-owners), this play on the sun, desert, night theme of the original flag, seems to say, Are you aiming at Arizona, or is Arizona aiming at you?  (Arizona Office of Tourism, get in touch with me if you want to talk more).


Original flag

New flag

The Wisconsin state flag just got its CCW, so the gun is concealed.


Original flag

New flag

A young patriot slogs ankle deep through the mucky, shifting swamp, showing that though the terrain and climate make it difficult, Floridians will always stand their ground.


Original flag

New flag

The Illinois flag depicts an eagle clutching a handgun in each talon, a Glock 17 in its right and a Colt SAA in its left.  These guns represent the evolution of personal defense firearms throughout the state’s history, while the scene illustrates the state’s attitude towards firearms – take them with one hand, use them with the other.


Original flag

New flag

To the right of the rifle constellation, an alternate flag bears the Latin motto, si vobis, adducam unum.  Roughly translated, this reads, if you decided to come, you’d better bring one.


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