– Shooting Sports Discussion & Radio
Indianapolis, IN – -(’s featured Gun Blogger of the Month, for March 2009, is Caleb of has loads of info and articles on firearms shooting sports and shooting sports gear. is also the same guys that bring you Gun Nuts Radio. Interview:
Q: What is your Blog’s Official Name?
A:Gun Nuts Media
Q: What is your Name?
A: Caleb Giddings
Q: What is your Online Name that you may post under?
A: Either Ahab or Caleb
Q: Where are you located?
A: Just north of Indianapolis, IN
Q: What is the point of view or purpose of your blog?
A: It’s a gun blog, however the scope and focus is primarily on shooting sports and the “gear” aspect of shooting. I’m less of a political blogger than others.
Q: How long has your Blog been active?
A: In various forms, for well over 2 years now.
Q: Gunnuts.Net is more than just a blog what else do you have going on?
A: I’m also the host of Gun Nuts Radio, which is the premier all-online firearms and shooting sports podcast/radio show. Unlike other podcasts, we don’t have a traditional means of distribution, but still manage to touch 5-10k ears per month on four shows. Also, I’m an active competitive shooter – I’ll be competing in my first Bianchi Cup this year in their new production division, and am looking for sponsors…so if you know a friend who’d like to donate some ammo for training, let me know.
Q: Who else is involved in Gunnuts.Net that you would like to mention?
A: Breda, of the Breda Fallacy is my dear friend, and is also co-host of the Gun Nuts Radio show.
Q: I know you have had some stuff going on in your life, what do you do for a living or is your blog a full time job?
A: I recently made the choice to become a full-time author – which had nothing to do with my “real job” in the wireless industry going away. In all seriousness though, I’ve always wanted to be a writer, so it turns out losing my day job has been a blessing in disguise.
Q: Do you have a specific agenda or goal of your blog?
A: Ultimately, I’d like to turn Gun Nuts into a place where new and experienced shooters can come if they’re looking for the latest in tips and tricks on how to shoot better, or news on new products and gear – basically create an online gun magazine that’s truly integrated into the new web culture.
Q: What is one thing that you want your readers to know about Gunnuts.Net ?
A: That I accept advertising? No, I’m kidding – I want people to know that it’s an open forum. The whole reason that I started blogging two or so years ago is because I wanted to create an environment where like minded people could share their opinions, and that goal has never changed.
Q: What was the best or worst thing you did on your blog that go the most reaction from your readers?
A: The best thing? When I started covering SHOT SHOW in 2008, and then again in 2009.
As far as bad things go, I’ve written some…controversial posts before about some health related topics for which I still get the occasional bit of hate mail.
Q: Obviously since we are featuring you your blog is Pro gun? What do you think the outlook is for the future of gun rights in America?
A: My blog is very pro-gun. I think the outlook for gun rights in the US is at a critical juncture right now – while we’ve won in the Supreme Court and are making advances at the state level, we (obviously) have an extremely anti-gun president and Congress, so it is incumbent upon us as gun owners to take up our pens and keyboards and mobilize on the political front.
Q: What hunting or shooting sports hobbies do you have?
A: I’m an active competitive shooter, as I mentioned above. Currently, I’m the Indiana State IDPA champ in my division, all though most of my current training is focused on getting ready for the new Production Division at Bianchi Cup.
Q: What is your favorite firearm and why?
A: Hoooo boy. Of the guns that I own, my favorite is my Marlin 25M – it’s a bolt action .22 Magnum. My father gave me that gun when I was 16, and it is the first gun I’d grab in a fire, and one of three guns I’ll never sell.
Q: Of the topics you cover what do you enjoy writing about the most?
A: Probably covering competitive shooting. I’ve always been an athlete, going all the way back to Jr. High, so it’s fun for me to look at shooting not just as a hobby or “training”, but as a sport. If I get my way, one of these days you’ll see IPSC on SportsCenter.
Q: You have a lot already going on, what things would you like to do or expand in your blog to in the future?
A: Grow the radio show and the Gun Nut TV Youtube Channel for sure – but kind of with the above I want to integrate as well with some more “traditional” shooting/outdoor media outlets.
Q: What would you like to say to those that are anti gun or maybe just unsure of the purpose of guns in our society today?
A: To someone who is anti-gun, I’d have a lot to say, but it would depend on why they’re anti-gun. If someone is just unsure of the purpose that guns serve in our society, then I’d like to invite you to come over, and we’ll go do some shooting.
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