Arizona – -( The lamestream media told you:
A man has invented a gun that looks like a cell phone. When closed, it appears more-or-less to be a phone, but it unfolds into a two-shot .380 caliber pistol. It is still in development, but he already has thousands of inquiries.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
As a matter of law, a gun that doesn’t look like a gun, is an “Any Other Weapon” or AOW, specially regulated by BATFE, and it is treated like a machine gun or silencer.
You can get them, but a $200 tax stamp is required, and it has to be registered and tracked. The inventor either knows this already, or will find out right quick, and it will put a kink in the plan. But still, it’s a clever idea, and I hear he’s working on a six-shot version.
News reports are gushing about the device without noting this tiny little wrinkle. Some take a wow-how-cool perspective, while others think OMG-people-will-be-secretly-armed, as if they haven’t noticed all 50 states have discreet carry laws, and 10 now have Constitutional Carry (Idaho and West Virginia just enacted it).
Idaho overcame a ton of outside spending by anti-rights New York billionaire bigot Michael Bloomberg to defeat this right of the public to keep and bear arms. West Virginia overrode a governor’s veto to pass the important freedom legislation. Despite hoplophobic fear of “BITS” (blood in the streets) it has never happened anywhere permit laws or Constitutional Carry has been enacted.
Although the cell-phone gun that doesn’t exist yet got a lot of news coverage, Constitutional Carry, a major advance of the public’s fundamental freedoms, got little, for reasons that were unclear at press time…
Keep in mind a wallet gun — a small pistol that fits in a leather pocket wallet, is an AOW and illegal without federal papers, if it can be fired from within the wallet without the gun visible. The feds consider it a violation to even own a trigger-hole wallet and a gun that fits it that can fire that way, even if you don’t have them together. Sort of like owning the unassembled parts of a machine gun.
Scottsdale, Ariz.-based Bloomfield Press, founded in 1988, is the largest publisher and distributor of gun-law books in the country. Our website,, features a free national directory to gun laws and relevant contacts in all states and federally, along with our unique line of related books and DVDs. “After Your Shoot” for media review is available on request, call 800-707-4020. Our authors are available for interview, call to schedule. Call for cogent positions on gun issues, informed analysis on proposed laws, talk radio that lights up the switchboard, fact sheets and position papers. As we always say, “It doesn’t make sense to own a gun and not know the rules.”