Gun Rights Supporters to Rally in Media, PA

by Darren Wolfe

AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Media, PA -( Gun rights supporters will counter rally the “Shout Out for the Executive Action.”

The rally will start at the intersection of Providence Rd and Baltimore Pike in Media, PA at 1pm on January 16, 2016. The counter rally will then move to the sidewalk opposite the Providence Friends Meeting House where the anti-gun rights pressure groups will hold their event.

The rally was prompted by concern that expanding background checks and other restrictions on gun rights are, as has happened in other countries, the first steps toward complete disarmament.

On their website rally organizers wrote that they [the anti-gun rights pressure groups] want, “…to demonstrate strong and enthusiastic public support in Delaware County for the historic action taken by the President.”

We’re going to show them that there is deeper and broader support for liberty. We’re not going to allow them to implement more ineffective measures that are only incremental steps toward disarming us completely.

“The other anti-freedom side gives the impression that background checks are a way to reduce crime. The truth is that all guns purchased at gun stores and all personal transfers of hand guns must go through a Federal Firearms License holding dealer who must perform background checks. Many studies over the years have shown the ineffectiveness of background checks and other violations of gun rights when it comes to stopping crime. At the same time the history of countries such as the United Kingdom show that supposedly reasonable measures to control gun ownership lead to gun bans and confiscations accompanied by higher overall violent crime rates,” Darren Wolfe, the counter rally organizer said. He went on to ask, “If the availability of guns is the problem how do the anti-gun rights pressure groups explain that we’ve seen 20 years of declining murder rates while gun ownership has gone way up?”

For more information please visit our Facebook event page:

About Darren Wolfe:

Darren Wolfe is the former Eastern Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania. His articles have also appeared in American Juror,, the Libertarian Penn, and the News services such as the New York and Rational Review have published links to his work. Darren is the Philadelphia area contact for Come Home America (, a politically neutral peace movement. Follow me on Twitter: