Gun Range Owner Bans Muslims, Business Quadruples

By AWR Hawkins

Jan Morgan
Jan Morgan
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Washington DC – -(  In the five months since Hot Springs, Arkansas, gun range owner Jan Morgan banned Muslims from her facilities, she has seen business quadruple.

She has also faced threats and the prospect of lawsuits, which so far, have not materialized.

Morgan owns Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range.

According to Fox News, Morgan decided to ban Muslims after “two customers she deemed suspicious” showed up in September. Since that time, she has excluded those “she believes to be Muslim based upon their names.”

Morgan sees it as a safety issue. She said, “We are dealing in lethal firearms. I am not going to let a Nazi shoot in here, or a Ku Klux Klan member in here, either.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has written Attorney General Eric Holder asking him to intervene. In the letter, CAIR said;

“Given the recent spike in anti-Muslim rhetoric, including Islamophobic statements by government officials, community leaders and media outlets, death threats, and other bias incidents targeting Muslims, I urge you to investigate this matter soon.”

CAIR argued that banning Muslims from the shooting range “is a violation of federal laws prohibiting racial and religious discrimination.”

The ACLU is also asked the DOJ to do something about Morgan’s policies, and they want to talk to any Muslim who gets turned away from Morgan’s shooting range.

But Morgan is standing her ground. She compared “offering target practice to potential terrorists to flight schools offering lessons to the 9/11 terrorists.” A caption on an image of Morgan with a gun says, “I am the infidel your imam warned you about.”

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