Gun Owners Much to be Thankful for This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Pilgrams
“[Let us] dedicate ourselves to honor anew the Author of Liberty [and] I call upon the citizens of this great nation to gather together [and] affirm by their prayers and their gratitude the many blessings God has bestowed upon us.” — President Ronald Reagan’s Thanksgiving Day proclamation (1987)
Gun Owners of America
Gun Owners of America

Washington, DC –-( President Obama paid quite a complement to Gun Owners of America and its activists this year.

Speaking to a Tumblr audience over the summer, Obama said that his “biggest frustration as President” was not getting new gun control legislation enacted in Congress.

GOA members and activists should accept this complement and pat themselves on the back.

After all, it was the liberal media that blamed GOA’s grassroots( see doc below ) for the defeat of the President’s gun control agenda in the Senate.

Truly, we have a lot be thankful for this Thanksgiving. But not just because we defeated the President’s agenda in Harry Reid’s “house.”

After the President announced that his “policies [were] on the ballot” this November 4 2014, his Party was soundly defeated at the polls — due, in no small part, to the fact that his anti-gun actions animated gun owners against him. Harry Reid is now in the minority, and this means that we will have a much better environment next year to advance a solid, pro-gun agenda.

GOA spokesmen have covered the airwaves to discuss the opportunities and battles that we will be facing next year. You can listen to an example here.

Passing national recognition of concealed carry and reauthorizing language to defund Obama’s ability to enforce the UN gun control treaty are two of our top agenda items. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s a lot of ground that we want to reclaim.

Gun Owners of America will continue to keep you abreast of important developments.

Meanwhile, during the holidays, make sure you check out GOA’s YouTube page for recent videos that GOA has produced.

These videos:

  • Demonstrate the idiocy of gun free zones;
  • Lampoon the stupidity of Great Britain’s gun laws, and remind everyone, once again, why we are no longer British; and,
  • Document how guns save lives and how gun control laws consistently fail to reduce crime.

Also on the web, if you haven’t friended GOA on Facebook, please make sure that you do so soon!

Finally, if you are already a GOA member, consider how you can amplify your voice in Congress by giving gift memberships to your close friends and family this holiday season.

Gun Owners of America Top 13 2013

About:Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no comprise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul Visit: to Join.