Gun Owners It Should Be All Or Nothing

By M.K. Wingate on Man Talk Blog

Charlton Heston
Actor Charlton Heston at the Civil Rights March in Washington, D.C. in August 1963, later he became the President of the National Rifle Association and was a proud firearm owner of guns of all types, he cared about freedom!. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Man Talk Blog
Man Talk Blog

Colorado –-( First let’s remind anyone reading this blog that this blog is for MEN!

Now that does NOT mean guys who happen to male by birth–it means men who are men (like the stereotyped John Wayne or Charlton Heston were).

We are talking about men who can smoke a cigar in their house without fearing the wife (but maybe doing it next to an open door or window–the polite thing to do-regardless) this is not about machismo.

We say these things because we are now a chickafied nation or possibly a cowardly nation. Look around, how many of you have contacted your city, state, or national elected representatives or even written a letter to the editor of your local paper to voice your opinion or have spoken at a city council meeting?

This cowardliness has not changed much since our founding. Back when “we” were fighting in the War of Independence about 30 percent of our population sided with the king(aka Democrats), 40 percent were neutral undecided (called independents nowadays) and the last 30 percent wanted independence from the king. These are much the same numbers we have in our divided country currently regarding political parties.

Of the last group, those who actually took up arms to fight for independence from the king made up only about 3 percent of the population. Think about that first. They are known as 3-percenters in today’s parlance (we are NOT talking of the current militia type groups in our country who have adopted that name or motto in support of their organizations), we in this post refer only those who fought in the War of Independence.

National Rifle Association

What might this have to do with the National Rifle Association? Actually a lot. The NRA came about in 1871. At that time military men in our country realized that even though huge numbers of men were killed and wounded in the Civil War (mass gunfire) that actual marksmanship was really lacking.They wanted those in and out of the military to learn to shoot better in the event of further foreign or domestic conflicts.

So they formed the NRA to teach better marksmanship to the official military and civilians in the event a militia had to be formed from the citizenry.

This evolved into what the NRA is today. After teaching combat shooting through the Spanish American War, WWI, WWII and the Korean war and establishing to this day law enforcement firearm use and training standards the NRA is now best known for helping to influence laws and opinions to protect the Constitution and Second Amendment in particular since it is only guns that protect our freedoms.

The NRA is a freedom advocating, protecting and preserving organization.

However, the NRA has it’s sahre of segregated firearm interest individuals. For example many (again, many, not all) shotgun shooters don’t like pistol shooters, rifle shooters or black guns. Many pistol shooters don’t like black guns, shotguns, or rifles and many rifle shooters don’t like black guns, pistols or shot guns. Then many folks who shoot only small rifles like the.22 don’t like any or some of the previous groups. It’s just nuts and true!

What all these NRA members don’t realize is that the anti-Second Amendment anti-Constitution people both in and out of government don’t want ANY gun in a citizen’s hands–except theirs.

These dangerous politicians and their sponsors want control and they want all the guns gone ASAP so control is easier for their citizen friendly social programs and benevolent management to be implemented. So by their thinking all gun owners and the NRA should shut up and embrace the love!



I feel NRA competitors are some of the worse! As a competitor I have heard folks in various NRA competitions say that those semi-automatic, so called “assault rifles” should be banned.

BUT WHY WOULD SHOOTERS SAY THIS? The majority of firearm competitions in our country and memberships on Olympic and Palma teams (for example) came from NRA competitions.

In order to compete in most competitions in the U.S. you must be an NRA member regardless of your feelings about firearms in general or the Bill of Rights.

So many NRA competitors could care less about the NRA or its mission, it is just access into various firearm competitions.

These are the facts-like them or not! Yes we know, a bunch of you reading this are competitors and support the NRA and its mission (like I do), but there are more than you can imagine who don’t.

It is the old take his stuff not mine thinking. These take his not mine idiots don’t see the big picture, they only care about their segment of the shooting sports and feel the other guy is wrong. Sure the majority of NRA members care about all guns and our Constitution, but a percentage of misinformed NRA members do NOT think there is a place for an AR-15 semi-automatic type of rifle in the hands of citizens.

Another little unknown “factoid.” Of its 5 1/2 million members the NRA has about 2 1/2 million eligible voting members in its ranks. Yet when all of these people get ballots for the NRA Board of Director elections, those who vote and return the ballot are well under 90,000!

So guys, man up, remember it is all guns and all freedoms that are now under assault. The reason the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights exists in the first place was and still is for the exclusive protection of INDIVIDUAL CITIZEN’S rights and freedoms from both foreign invasion and a corrupt or oppressive domestic government.

The Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights (first ten amendments) has NOTHING to do in any way, shape or form with assigning or affirming ANY power, privileges or rights to the government, the Constitution itself does that!

The Bill of Rights is our defined individual protection from our own government, it is just that simple and the Founding Fathers understood this and fought and died for that principal and that is why they wrote the damn thing in the first place.

The Founders realized that the Constitution they just finished outlined the rules for government but did not outline citizens specific rights or protection FROM the government, the very government they just established. So they wrote the Bill of Rights to protect us individual citizens from that very government. Left wingers, socialists, liberals, communists and those in control of a particular major political party that ascribes to those views will try to say otherwise but the truth is right there, written in the Constitution.

The second sentence of the second paragraph of OUR Declaration Of Independence gives the right of the people to rise up and abolish a hostile hostile government and even implies by the wording a duty to do so.

No we are NOT calling for a revolution or anything like that, but we are asking the 50 million+ wrong headed gun owners out here in citizenville to get their heads out of their asses, smell the coffee and realize the reason for he Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights in the first place.

And while I have been doing a little NRA chops busting here, you should buy into the notion of joining the NRA, it is still the largest and most influential organization protecting the Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment. The latter which by definition, also protects the remaining 9 original amendments in the Bill of Rights,,,,,and your ass!

AmmoLand Join the NRA Banner
AmmoLand says Join the NRA

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