Illinois –-( On Wednesday I had the privilege of being at a gun owners rally on Boston Common.
The rally was put on by the Gun Owners Action League (GOAL). GOAL is the ISRA counterpart in Massachusetts and they are doing a fine job I must say.
The theme of my speech was “Gun Owner Complacency”. We would not be in the predicament we are in if a large number of gun owners were not complacent. Take a quick look at the numbers. There are 90 million gun owners in the United States but only 4.3 million NRA members.
Look at Illinois. We have 1.5 million law abiding gun owners but only 26,300 ISRA members.
Our gun show recruiters see complacency all the time. Dozens of people walk by the recruiter’s table and tell you they will be back later or better yet tell you they have no money. The 30 minutes later you see them hauling all kinds of stuff out the door.
I had a guy tell me that and he later came back and told me he bought a new AR-15. Maybe the term “Free loader” would be a better term in his case!
All of us know people who are gun owners and complacent. Those people are the ones who have gotten us into the predicament we are in today. Had they been involved all the nutty anti-gun stuff would be unheard of.
If we are to Keep our Second Amendment rights we have to get them involved. We all know someone who is just riding on our coat tails hoping you and I will do the job. Now is the time to get them to join the ISRA and get them involved in the fight to Keep our gun rights. Let’s all of vow the recruit these people (at least one person) in the next 10 days.
Thank you to those that are already members.
Richard PearsonISRA Executive Director
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The ISRA is the state’s leading advocate of safe, lawful and responsible firearms ownership. Since 1903, the ISRA has represented the interests of over 1.5 million law-abiding Illinois firearm owners Visit: