Gun Gifts for Every Freedom Loving Dad

George and Mike, a couple dads just trying to legalize freedom at the range (Photo: Ben Philippi/

Every dad who bleeds red, white and blue appreciates the gift of a gun, box of ammo or optic. It doesn’t matter if your dad heads into the fields a couple of times a year or prefers the operator life, hitting the range every weekend – we have a gift he’ll want.

If you have a freedom-loving dad, then you’re going to want to peep the list below for last-minute Christmas ideas.

The Dad’s Dad

You’ll find the Dad’s Dad sporting a sweet pair of white New Balances and some stylin’ jorts on the range. This dad is a handy guy, who can fix anything given enough duct tape and some elbow grease.

Everything a Dad’s Dad needs (Photo:

Odds are the Dad’s Dad would love a new, or gently used GDC Certified, 1911. The Vault has many different styles at various price points. For a closer look at our inventory of 1911’s, check out our feature right here.

Whether your dad is a lover of all things WWII or he strikes a sense of nostalgia with a classic dad joke, a 1911 is a gift he’ll love. If you have the dough check out our nice selection of Wilson Combat or Colt models, if you’re on a budget then we have a nice selection of Rock Island models available as well.


If the Dad’s Dad in your life already has his favorite 1911 plastered to his hip, hand him some .45 ACP ammo to see him light up like a Christmas tree.


The Hunting Dad

The Hunting Dad always has a freezer stocked with tasty game meat ready to be whipped into his favorite recipe. He may only fire a handful of shots each year, but he makes them count.

family range

Father Chris and Son James enjoyed some friendly competition shooting using the Savage A17 in .17HMR. Despite the age difference, they were very well matched and will certainly go head-to-head again soon. (Photo: Kristin Alberts/

Sipping High Life out of the bottle and watching the campfire, the Hunting Dad reminisces about all the ones that got away – wildlife that is. Tradition matters to him so he’s unlikely to trade that vintage rifle by his side in for a newer model, but what he will need is a trusty optic to bring it into the modern era.

It just so happens, has plenty of great scopes available in the Vault ready to make dad smile. Check out our wide selection below.


The Tac Daddy

Tac Daddy is at the range all day, every day. Slinging lead like Wu-Tang spits rhymes, this dad goes hardcore. You might think to yourself “What can I possibly get Tac Daddy, he is the most prepared individual I know?”

Training and CCW specific ammo make great gifts for the gun owner. (Photo: Jacki Billings/

There is one thing Tac Daddy will always need, it’s his lifeblood — training ammunition. Gifting several hundred rounds of 9mm or .223 Rem, you’re sure to make Tac Daddy’s Christmas with ammo to send downrange or trade.

Tac Daddy will be filled with pride when he sees what he always craves, more delicious ammunition. Stock up on ammunition with below.


Concealed Carry Charlie

CC Charlie may not rep 5.11 Tactical like Tac Daddy, but he is serious about protecting his family with a firearm. Although he has a coffee mug that tells him he’s #1, his range targets tell him he needs help.


Training isn’t synonymous with slouchy. Step up range day attire for a classier approach to drills. (Photo: Jacki Billings/

For ultimate success, CC Charlie needs some training. Invest in a certified instructor who challenges and pushes students to become better concealed carry practitioners. While you’re searching for classes, also remember that every good class requires reloads so a spare mag or two will help him excel in the classroom.

Check out’s extensive array of magazines below.


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