Gun Control Talking Head Admits Registry Was A Fireams Confiscation Tool

Gun Registry Losers
Gun Registry Sore Losers
Canadian Shooting Sports Association
Canadian Shooting Sports Association

Canada – -( At long last, Heidi Rathgen of the Coalition for Gun Control is telling the truth – the long-gun registry was little more than a tool to confiscate firearms from law-abiding Canadians.

Ms. Rathgen is bemoaning the fact that the now-defunct registry was a confiscation database for police as more and more guns are banned for no good reason. A couple of recent Shaw/Global editorials express the anti-gun broadcaster’s disappointment that the now-scrapped long-gun registry handicaps the police in finding out who owns the recently banned Swiss Arms and CZ-858 rifles.

Here’s Global’s prize-winning reportage:

“Now that the registry’s gone, its usefulness is becoming more and more obvious,” said Heidi Rathjen, a survivor of the Montreal Massacre and fervent gun-control advocate.

“It looks like the RCMP is desperately searching for any piece of information that could lead them to the owners of these now-prohibited weapons, including media reports, whereas it would be child’s play to find the owners if the registry were still alive. So instead of having an efficient and practical way of tracking legal gun ownership, police have to rely on the same investigative tools they would use to track illegal guns. What a mess.”

Thank you Ms. Rathgen and thank you Shaw/Global. Anti-gun advocates have spent years promising that the registry was never about taking guns away from hunters and sport shooters. Your inconvenient truth has laid bare the fact that gun control is all about seizing private property from innocent people.

Bet you’d like to have this one back, huh?

Here’s the Global article:

The CSSA is the voice of the sport shooter and firearms enthusiast in Canada. Our national membership supports and promotes Canada’s firearms heritage, traditional target shooting competition, modern action shooting sports, hunting, and archery. We support and sponsor competitions and youth programs that promote these Canadian heritage activities. Website