Washington, DC –-(Ammoland.com)- So when the Government is suddenly forced to close its doors for a spate, while it gets it financial house in order, that apparently means American citizens are no longer entitled to view existing .gov web sites like http://www.fws.gov/.
Now when you go to http://www.fws.gov/ you are directed to http://www.doi.gov/index.cfm page where you then see a warning box where they state;
“Due to the lapse in appropriated funds, all public lands managed by the Interior Department (National Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, Bureau of Land Management facilities, etc.) will be closed. For more information, FAQs, and updates, please visit www.doi.gov/shutdown“
So not only have they closed all public lands, including many where no persons work or are even on staff, but the DOI in it wisdom has decided to limit access to its websites as well. As the same is true for all websites managed under the DOI, they are all under a URL redirect to the DOI home page.
Who knew that our government websites were so fragile and unstable that they would no longer be accessible, while many other types of website domains continue to run on in perpetuity with no input from current owners. Rather than have the same warning posted on these existing websites that we have already spent millions of tax payer dollars on, the DOI directors have limited access to 10,000’s of pages of data.
I wonder what it cost to apply the redirects?
All we can assume it is this is just and effort to make the shut down as painful as possible for everyone they can reach. Maybe what we should be saying is good riddance to the bunch.