U.S.A. –-(Ammoland.com)- Northam has declared war on Virginia’s gun owners: CHP holders, open carriers, hunters, target shooters, sport shooters, collectors, and competitors. All of us. (Northam wants to strip us of our right to self-defense and is even looking at confiscating guns.)
So be it! But we are very much in the fight
As the dust cloud has been settling from election day, my optimism that we can derail a lot of Northam’s agenda has been growing steadily.
Admiral Yamamoto, after bombing Pearl Harbor in 1941, famously said, “I fear that all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”
Yes, that is exactly what Pearl Harbor did. And that’s exactly what shoving gun control down our throats will do, too!
And we are tired of so called “compromises,” that always involve us giving up some of our rights, and getting absolutely nothing in return. That is not a compromise, that’s stupid!
Virginia’s gun owners are model citizens, with CHP holders being the most law-abiding of the law-abiding. We are fed up with being punished and pushed around every time some lunatic shoots up another gun-free zone or some gang-banger kills a bunch of other criminals. We have no more patience for being abused and we won’t cede another inch without a fight.
There is no such thing as “common sense gun control.” In reality, gun control is a black hole that sucks common sense and our liberties into oblivion! It hits poor minorities and women the hardest, but it ultimately affects all good people. Criminals get their hand slapped and are released to continue their acts of mayhem with illegally owned firearms.
A government that doesn’t want its citizens to be able to protect themselves clearly has an ulterior motive for wanting a disarmed populace. We dare not turn over our guns to such a government, ever.
It’s time to organize and create a “machine” that will
fight back wherever gun control rears it’s head
We can put a major dent in Northam’s plans if we begin preparing and organizing NOW, before the new General Assembly is sworn-in in early January.
Here’s what we need to do (alerts will be going out on these items soon):
- Strong gun-owner activism in Democratic districts. Democrat legislators in some of the more pro-gun areas of the state voted gun owners with impunity over the last 4 years because they knew the Republican majority would never let gun-control bills become law. Thus, their bad votes wouldn’t actually change the status quo and probably wouldn’t wakeup and anger gun owners in their district. With the new Democrat majority, they will own any gun control that gets passed for the next two years. Gun owners living in such districts need to be extremely active. Reach out to other gun owners in the district to get them involved, get them on VA-ALERT, and have them join VCDL. Contact your Democrat Senator and/or Delegate and keep the pressure on them to steer clear of all gun control. Go to their office and meet in person. Some anti-gun Democrats have actually told our members that they have never met with anyone who opposes their anti-gun voting! If enough gun owners do this, it WILL get their attention. Contact your Democrat legislators whenever VCDL requests you do so. Let there be no doubt: you can play an absolutely crucial role in slowing down, moderating, or stopping major parts of Northam’s agenda by putting pressure on your Democrat legislators!
- Watch Teams for local government (WTLGs). For each locality in Virginia, we need a team consisting of one or more local members to watch everything that the Board of Supervisors or City Council is doing. The WTLGs are looking for anything that affects firearms in any way, including hunting restrictions, and keep VCDL informed of what is planned or occurring so we can react. If we lose Virginia’s preemption law, WTLGs will be critical in the effort to block local gun-control.
- Liaison Teams for Local Government (LTLGs). For localities that have some gun-friendly supervisors or council members, we need to be able to interface with them. The purpose is to get inside-track information on any proposed gun control or hunting restrictions, as well as to work with them to implement pro-gun ordinances or resolutions. For example, making the locality a Second Amendment Sanctuary against unconstitutional gun-control laws, or lowering CHP fees.
- Liaison Teams for Law Enforcement (LTLEs). LTLEs will interface with local sheriffs or chiefs of police who are supportive of gun owners and are willing to stand with us in preserving our rights. When an appropriate time comes, we will be looking for chief law-enforcement officers who would be willing to speak with one voice with gun owners at the General Assembly. We would also want to be looking for chief law-enforcement officers who would be willing to make their jurisdiction a Second Amendment Sanctuary against any gun control that is unconstitutional. No law-enforcement officer is required to enforce, or should enforce, an unconstitutional law.
- More volunteers at the VCDL table at gun shows, festivals, and other events. Just this weekend in Richmond, there were gun owners who approached the VCDL table and had no clue about how precariously their rights are hanging after the election – I kid you not! We must educate our fellow gun owners on the threat that we now face. Do NOT assume they know what you know!
- Advance litigation preparation in case we have to use the courts to stop unconstitutional gun laws. VCDL and its attorneys are developing contingency plans.
- A huge Lobby Day on January 20, 2020 (starts at 8 am at the General Assembly Building in Richmond). Speakers for the rally (11am – noon) are being lined up and will be announced as the event draws nearer. This time the rally will be in an excellent, picturesque location on the steps of the Capitol, instead of in the field by the Bell Tower!
More Second Amendment Sanctuaries are coming!
VCDL has already been approached by several localities which want to become Second Amendment Sanctuaries! (We expect this trend to continue.) VCDL has given them some guidance and I expect to see announcements of such sanctuaries starting in January.
Patience, please, as VCDL is dealing with a flood of incoming information and requests.
I am personally getting over 700 emails a day (as I write this, I have 1,004 unread emails in my inbox since Friday), plus phone calls, texts, and Facebook contacts, as well as doing radio interviews and speaking at meetings. Please bear with me and the organization as we slog through the flood of information and requests. (The other Board members and some of our executive members are doing their best to take up the slack. The VCDL-PAC is compiling some useful information to help with the upcoming fight in the General Assembly.)
Don’t listen to the defeatists. That is exactly what our opponents want us to do. Be fearless, stand strong and united with all your fellow gun owners, and be ready to fight back when the time comes!
About Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL):
Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.
For more information, visit: www.vcdl.org.