GOP Senators Side w/ Stupid on Gun Control!

U.S.A.-( Napoleon reportedly said, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake!” And that is exactly what the Democrats are letting RINO Republicans do as they sell out Americans’ gun rights.

GOP Senators are helping the Democrats minimize a major blunder in their push for more gun control, specifically Red Flag Laws, while simultaneously cutting their own party support and candidates off at the knees.

Patriotic American Gun-Voters recognize that more must be done to protect school children and to “harden” “soft targets,” and we are happy to discuss real solutions to real problems.

But we will not hesitate to point out the flaws and voice our strong opposition to “solutions” that encroach on the rights of responsible Americans, especially when the “solutions” don’t work. The fact is, none of the gun control laws proposed so far by the Washington swamp – added Straw Purchase penalties, redefining what a Federally Licensed Firearms Dealer is, so-called “enhanced” background checks, “red-flag” laws, etc. – would have any positive impact on mass murders or violent crime. But they will seriously infringe our right to keep and bear arms.

So why are they being pushed as “solutions?”

Unfortunately, what should be a discussion of practical measures to help protect innocents has, as it always does, devolved into political gamesmanship.

The grand ole party Senate Republicans-in-name-only, led by FUD Minority Leader, Mitch Mcconnell, are compromising our rights away on new Red Flag laws rather than going on the offensive against the Democrats’ radical agenda that has led the USA to rampant inflation, stalling markets, the Afghanistan debacle and collapsing foreign policy. But NO they would rather bargain away our rights while jeopardizing the potentially biggest Republican landslide victory “Red Wave” in this coming November 2022 Election.

Here is a list of the weakest GOP Senators that need reminding that they hold the line on our Right to keep and bear arms.

John Cornyn (TX)
Thom Tillis (NC)
Richard Burr (NC)
Roy Blunt (MO)
Bill Cassidy (LA)
Susan Collins (ME)
Linsey Graham (SC)
Rob Portman (OH)
Mitt Romney (UT)
Pat Toomey (PA)
Rick Scott (FL)
Marco Rubio (FL)
Mitch McConnell (KY)

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