Good Guns and Bad Guys

Dan Wos Pro Life
Dan Wos.

USA – -( Why does it seem that Democrat Politicians fuel violence in our society and perpetuate illegal behavior? We ask ourselves why they would do such a thing. Why would people like “placeholder” Governor Hochul let prisoners out of jail knowing that thousands of crimes will be committed as a direct result? Why would Governors and Mayors in Democrat-run cities across the Country support left-wing violence by groups like Antifa and BLM only to see their own cities get destroyed? Minneapolis Mayor, Jacob Frey took to the streets and joined protestors in the hopes of appearing to be on their side as they rallied to defund the Police. Kamala Harris even backed a “bail fund” that helped free six men accused of domestic violence. Why don’t Democrats condemn this behavior?

Often times, the benefit to Politicians is the ability to blame guns for the crime rate while excusing themselves for putting criminals back onto the streets and perpetuating the mayhem. An increase of violence in our communities helps the Politician who runs on a platform of keeping the people safe. If the danger and violence didn’t exist, they would have nothing to pretend to fight against. They seem to welcome the violence but avoid the responsibility they have in creating it. Makes you wonder who the real “bad guys” are.

According to The Bureau of Justice and Statistics, Criminal Victimization Report there were 5,813,410 incidents of violent crime in America in 2019. In the following year of 2020 there were 4,558,150 incidents of violent crime. Although we’re supposed to believe that the violence is caused by an increase in gun sales, we can’t help but recognize that it’s corrupt Politicians who are actually encouraging the violence.

On June 11th, during the height of the 2020 violence, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan announced that in “police-free zones” we could have a “summer of love.” Around that same time, non-gun-owning citizens started taking the personal safety of themselves and their families into their own hands. In 2020 firearm background checks increased at an astonishing rate. People were watching cities across America burn to the ground while people like Jenny Durkin joked about it and Kamala Harris worked to bail out the perpetrators. It would seem that Americans recognized just how irresponsible Durkan, Harris and others really are. Despite the perpetuated violence created by bad policies and irresponsible Politicians, a pushback on crime by American citizens started to occur.

Although Democrats want to blame the violence on guns, while at the same time defunding their own police departments and releasing prisoners back into society, gun related crime has actually dropped by 30% because the number of guns in the hands of good people has increased. We’ve seen this correlation between the reduction of crime and the increase of gun-ownership for decades. Where there are more good guns in the belts and purses of lawful American citizens, there is less violence. Good guns keep the bad guys on their best behavior.

According to The National Shooting Sports Foundation, 17.2 million background checks were completed in 2020, versus 15.7 million in 2016, which was the previous high-water mark for gun sales.

As a direct result of left-wing violence across America, October, 2020 showed a 60% increase in background checks over the same time during the previous year. Good people were forced to take their safety seriously. In 2020, approximately 6.9 million people purchased a gun for the first time. This tells us that even non-gun-owners began to realize how important it is to protect themselves. They started turning to gun-ownership to achieve that level of safety.

Gun sales increased from 2019 to 2020 at a rate of almost 5 times more than the rate of increase from 2018 to 2019.

• Democrats increased violence by supporting domestic terrorists, defunding police departments and releasing prisoners from jail during 2019 and 2020.
• By the summer of 2020 people started to catch on and gun sales skyrocketed.
• As a direct result, violent crime started to go back down and gun-related violent crime decreased by over 30% by the end of 2020.

As politicians perpetuate violence, good people push back. The violence in America is not a gun problem, it’s a political problem and although, in the pursuit of votes, Politicians may hope the people look to them for protection; the truth is, people are starting to recognize that it is the Politicians who are causing the problems.

The 2nd Amendment is not a privilege. It’s your right.
Dan Wos
Author – Good Gun Bad Guy
Host of The Loaded Mic Show

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, NRATV, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Dan Wos
Dan Wos