GOA to NRA Leadership: Urge Senators to Support the Paul-Cruz-Lee Filibuster
Washington, DC –-(Ammoland.com)- We are going into a battle which will determine the future of gun control for the next decade – and perhaps for the rest of our lifetime.
Here’s the status: On or around April 8 2013, Harry Reid will move to proceed to S. 649. That “base bill” contains the Veterans Gun Ban, which could send you to prison for 15 years if you sell a gun to a veteran, without realizing he has PTSD. The bill will also contain the Schumer version of Universal Gun Registries.
S. 649 does not have the 60 votes necessary to break a filibuster on final passage. However, if Reid can get the motion to proceed adopted – and get on the bill itself – he will play let’s-make-a-deal and use bribes and kickbacks to buy the 60 votes he needs.
In particular, Reid and Schumer will probably try to prune the universal registry bill to buy off the vote of Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn. They may pretend to prohibit recordkeeping by the FBI, but you can bet their “compromise” will contain a big, juicy loophole.
In addition, they may pare it back to gun shows and internet sales, although the most recent “gun show” bill we have seen would effectively ban gun shows.
The media has been reporting that the NRA leadership is working with West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin to craft these compromises, although NRA vehemently denies it.
As a result of anti-gun rules changes, there are two ways to proceed to a bill in the Senate. One requires 60 votes, which we have. The second requires 50 votes (plus Biden), but requires Reid to give up some of his control of the floor.
The point is this: Our efforts will be tremendously helped if the NRA leadership publicly calls on Senators to oppose the motion to proceed, opposes cloture on the motion to proceed, and scores both votes.
If it does this, the motion to proceed will die. Reid will be unable to move to any gun control legislation. Gun control will die.
We believe that, because of the strength and fervor of our membership, we are very close to winning this battle – but it would be so much easier if we were both singing off the same page.
ACTION: If, you are an NRA member, contact them. Urge them to join with us in supporting the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster. That means they should tell Senators to oppose the motion to proceed to any gun control vehicle, and to oppose cloture on the motion to proceed to any gun control vehicle.
CONTACT: You can use the message below to direct your comments to NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre.
Call 1-800-392-8683 or send him a message at www.nraila.org/secure/contact-us.aspx
Gun Owners of America8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102Springfield, VA 22151Phone: 703-321-8585FAX: 703-321-8408www.gunowners.org—– Pre-written letter —–
Dear Mr. LaPierre:
We are going into a battle which will determine the future of gun control for the next decade – and perhaps for the rest of our lifetime.
As you know, Harry Reid will soon move to proceed to S. 649. That “base bill” contains the Veterans Gun Ban, which could send you to prison for 15 years if you sell a gun to a veteran, without realizing he has PTSD. The bill will also contain the Schumer version of Universal Gun Registries.
As you also know, S. 649 does not have the 60 votes necessary to break a filibuster on final passage. However, if Reid can get the motion to proceed adopted – and get on the bill itself – he will play let’s-make-a-deal and use bribes and kickbacks to buy the 60 votes he needs.
In particular, Reid and Schumer will probably try to prune the universal registry bill to buy off the vote of Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn. They may pretend to prohibit recordkeeping by the FBI, but you can bet their “compromise” will contain a big, juicy loophole. In addition, they may pare it back to gun shows and Internet sales, although the most recent “gun show” bill would effectively ban gun shows.
There are reports in the press that you are working with West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin to craft these compromises, although I hope this information is wrong.
As a result of anti-gun rules changes, there are two ways to proceed to a bill in the Senate. One requires 60 votes, which we have. The second requires 50 votes (plus Biden), but requires Reid to give up some of his control of the floor.
The point is this: I hope that you will support the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster and tell Senators that the NRA opposes the motion to proceed to S. 649 … opposes cloture on the motion to proceed … and will score both votes.
If you do this, the motion to proceed will die. Reid will be unable to move to any gun control legislation. Gun control will die.
I would therefore ask you to please oppose the motion to proceed to any gun control vehicle, and oppose cloture on the motion to proceed to any gun control vehicle, and to score both votes.
Please let me know if you will do this.
About:Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no comprise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul Visit: www.gunowners.org to Join.