Giving some aging Aguila Minishells a bit of ballistic testing (VIDEO)

The shotgun scientists at Taofledermaus chanced upon a yellowing box of Aguila’s abbreviated 12 gauge slugs and gave them the run down.

The liliputian shells hold a 7/8-oz slug and are billed at 1,250 fps, they ran them out of a Russian Baikal MP18 break-action scatter gun with a 26-inch barrel at a variety of targets. Although about 20 years old, they still performed (largely) as advertised.

Of course, being TFM, they do a deconstruction on one of the shells to see just what they put inside Stretch Armstrong so to speak (spoiler: 23 grains of powder and a plastic piston in addition to the slug) which is always cool.

Props to the Merle Haggard shirt, OG beard, and dust devil that pops in for a visit at about the 4-minute mark.

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