Getting Ready for Dove and Election Season – NASGW

National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers Chairman’s Commentary: August 2014
By Kent Williams

Dove Hunting
Nebraska Dove Hunting Season Begins Sept. 1
National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers
National Association Of Sporting Goods Wholesalers (NASGW)

Little Rock, AR –-( Thank God for August!

When I was much younger, August was always the cruelest month to me. (not April) August meant putting away the trap guns and going back to school.

At this stage of my life August represents a welcome transition into the most wonderful time of the year. No, not Christmas, not just yet: when I think of the most wonderful time of the year—I think of dove season!

The ammunition salesmen always said that more shells were fired on the opening day of Dove Season than on any other day of the year. None of us will get rich selling dove loads, but we do get a chance to improve our margins over what they were during the summer. The demand may be down for MSR inventory this time of year, but I can always be confident in the demand for hunting items as we move through the fall.

With the coming of fall I also look forward to the upcoming buying season. In less than 2 months most of us will be in Little Rock for the 2014 NASGW Expo. If you are exhibiting—thank you! Your participation in the Expo makes those 3 days the most productive days in my working year. If you are exhibiting at the show for the first time please contact the wholesaler members before the show. Most of us end up scheduling almost every minute of the exhibit hours ahead of time. The exhibit space has been sold out for over 6 months, and the interest in marketing through our trade channel has never been higher.

2014 is also a midterm election year which could have a significant impact on our industry.


In cooperation with the National Association of Wholesale Distributors (NAW) and the National Shooting Sports Foundation, we would like to encourage all of our members to “Get Out the Vote” for the November elections. Midterm elections are normally less “popular” than the Presidential election year (2016) and analysts say as little as a 3% difference in voting patterns can make the difference in the local, state and congressional elections.

You’ll find two links in this month’s InSight to NSSF’s GunVote ( and NAW’s how to register to vote, learn about early voting procedures in your state, and to obtain an absentee ballot, ( We really can make a difference.

Kent Williams, NASGW Chairman of the Board


About The National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers (NASGW)
NASGW is composed of leading wholesalers, manufacturers, and independent sales reps, media and service providers; both national and international, all of whom are primarily involved with hunting and shooting sports equipment and accessories industry.