Wisconsin –-(Ammoland.com)- Anti-gun activists bombarded Gander Mountain with bullying phone calls and emails regarding this week’s planned NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshops, urging them to cancel.
Despite NRA-ILA’s long history of holding Grassroots- Election Workshops at Gander Mountains all over the country, and in Wisconsin, Gander Mountain has caved and canceled NRA-ILA’s Workshops at their Wausau location on Tuesday, May 15, and their Eau Claire location on Wednesday, May 16.
Despite these efforts to silence NRA-ILA and gun owners in Wisconsin, we have rescheduled these events. It is now MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER to take a stand in support of freedom and Gov. Walker by attending one of these Workshops. Show our opponents we will not be silenced!
We encourage you to join us at these new locations and prove to these anti-gun activists that gun owners in Wisconsin will not be silenced. Now more than ever it is important that you attend one of our FREE workshops and invite every NRA member that you know to attend!
Here are the updated details:
Monday, May 14, 2012
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Stadium View Banquet Hall & Conference Center
1963 Holmgren Way
Green Bay, WI 54304
(920) 884-3159
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Cimino’s Gun and Archery
N306 Tree Lane, Merrill, WI
(715) 536-1021
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
The Plaza Hotel & Suites
1202 W. Clairemont Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(715) 834-3181
At these meetings, NRA-ILA staff will lay out our plans to re-elect Scott Walker as governor of Wisconsin and discuss how you can become even more involved with protecting Second Amendment Rights in Wisconsin. You will also get to meet your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representatives Annette Olson (Eau Claire region) or Hugh Fike (Green Bay region), who will be working in their respective areas to re-elect Gov. Walker in June, and other pro-gun candidates in the November elections.
These meetings are absolutely free and beverages and snacks will be provided. The events will begin at 6:00 p.m., and end at 8:00 pm. Please make plans to attend and encourage your fellow NRA members to attend as well.
To register for one of these free events, please click one of the links above or call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683).
If you wish to contact your NRA-ILA Grassroots Coordinator Miranda Bond, with questions, please contact her at 703-267-1183 or mbond@nrahq.org.
You may also contact your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative Annette Olson (Eau Claire region) at annette.nra@gmail.com/715-760-0665, and Hugh Fike (Green Bay region) at hughfikenra@gmail.com/707-217-2014 to volunteer to assist with our mutual efforts.
About Wi-FORCE
Wi-FORCE promotes and protects the shooting sports, hunting, and the lawful ownership and use of firearms in Wisconsin. We coordinate match schedules of member clubs, sanction the state championship matches, monitor and recommend legislation, and provide training and educational programs for our members, competitors and Wisconsin shooters. Wi-FORCE supports the interaction and education of all individuals and groups interested in the shooting sports and the natural right of citizens to own arms. Visit: www.wi-force.org