Gabby Giffords delivers ‘7-figure’ ad buy in U.S. Senate race for anti-gun candidate (VIDEO)

In what opponents call a “desperate” and “misleading” attack, a gun control group is throwing stacks of cash to support New Hampshire’s Gov. Hassan’s bid for the Senate.

Hassan, noted for vetoing the Granite State’s popular constitutional carry measure last year and promising a repeat of those actions again this session, is running as the Democratic challenger to Republican Kelly Ayotte, the junior U.S. Senator from New Hampshire since 2011. Hassan has stood by gun control advocates in recent months and, as reported by WMUR, an area ABC affiliate, those advocates are standing behind her as well with Americans for Responsible Solutions funding a television ad in the state, shown above, attacking Ayotte for her stand on gun politics.

“She stands with the Washington gun lobby– they fund her campaign,” says the ad bluntly.

ARS founder, former U.S. Rep Gabby Giffords, came to New Hampshire last December to found a local group, the “Granite State Coalition for Common Sense,” with a mandate to expand background checks to include most private gun transfers and increased reporting of mental health records by the state to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

A spokesman for Giffords’ organization feel Hassan is the best bet for accomplishing gun control in the narrowly divided U.S. Senate, facing the prospect of a swing in polarity this November.

“While Senator Ayotte ignored her constituents and voted to protect the loopholes that let felons and domestic abusers get guns with no questions asked, Gov. Hassan will be strong voice in the U.S. Senate for responsible steps that help keep guns of the wrong hands and save lives,” ARS-PAC political director Zach Stewart said in a statement.

Meanwhile, Ayotte’s camp deplored the ad.

“Desperate to distract from the fact that she was out of state for 30 days in the past three months, Gov. Hassan and her special interest allies are misleading voters about Kelly’s record of voting in support of strengthening background checks and encouraging states to submit relevant mental health records into the system, keeping guns out of the hands of terrorists, and increasing prosecutions of those who try to buy guns illegally,” said campaign spokeswoman Liz Johnson.

In retort, the Ayotte campaign is pointing out that Hassan has been out of state for 30 days in the past 3 months to attend fundraisers in New York City, Chicago, and Massachusetts for her Senate run.

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