Lansing, MI -( The Michigan Coalition For Responsible Gun Owner’s office received a query from a person who maintains two homes: One in Michigan and one in Florida.
He has allowed us to share the advice we gave him since there are many people in similar situations. Nothing in this article is meant to provide legal advice for any specific situation, especially in Florida.
You should seek counsel admitted to the state bar in Florida for any specific questions regarding Florida law.
Our research revealed that your Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL) is recognized in Florida as a valid Concealed Weapons License (CWL).
A nonresident of Florida may carry a concealed weapon while in Florida if the nonresident is 21 years of age or older, has in his immediate possession a valid license to carry a concealed weapon issued from his state of residence (Michigan), and is a resident of the United States. (Fla. Stat. Ann. § 790.015.) A nonresident is subject to the same laws and restrictions with respect to carrying a concealed weapon or concealed firearm as a resident of Florida who is so licensed.
The Florida specifics may vary from your Michigan training regarding disclosure to law enforcement, which weapons can be carried in Florida, “Pistol Free Zones,” etc. If you are not fully aware of the Florida requirements, I recommend that you seek out training and/or legal counsel there for clarification.
Your Michigan CPL is valid for 90 days after moving and establishing legal residency in Florida. You may establish legal residency by registering to vote, making a statement of domicile pursuant to Florida law, or filing for homestead tax exemption on property in Florida. Once you establish your legal residence in Florida, your CPL will remain in effect for 90 days.
A Michigan resident shall not carry a concealed pistol in Michigan if the resident has only acquired a license to carry a concealed pistol from another state. (Op.Atty.Gen. 1994, No. 6798.) If you are a resident of another state who is licensed by that state to carry a concealed pistol, Michigan will recognize your permit, provided that you follow Michigan law in all respects while carrying here.
Because you are seeking legal residency in Florida, and have applied for a CWL in that state, your newly issued Florida CWL will be valid in the state of Michigan, once you establish Florida residency, however, you must carry in conformance with any restrictions appearing on your license and you are subject to Michigan’s concealed pistol laws. (M.C.L.A. 750.231a, et. seq.) You will not be able to renew your Michigan CPL if you are not a current resident of Michigan. (M.C.L.A. 28.425b.)
The most commonly accepted proof of residency is your state Driver’s License. Essentially, if you have a Michigan Driver’s License, you must have a Michigan CPL in order to carry concealed here. Once you make the transition to Florida residency, your FL concealed license will be recognized here, just like any visitor who has a concealed license in his home state.
In either case, you must follow the specific laws of the state you are in at the time. “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
The Law Offices of Steven W. Dulan, PLC
1750 East Grand River Avenue
Suite 101
East Lansing, MI 48823
(517) 332-3149 telephone
(517) 333-1691 fax
MCRGO CPL Instructor Program
MCRGO is now accepting instructor applications for the MCRGO CPL Safety & Training Program. Since the program was launched in July 2016, MCRGO has already certified 67 instructors. The next workshop will be at Jackson in October. To qualify, applicants must be current instructors with another organization, must have a valid current Michigan CPL, & must be a member of MCRGO. Instructor certification is $200 with a $50 renewal every two years. Per student cost for the course is $10 and includes access to the attorney presented video covering the legal portion of the course, all course materials, and a one year membership for the student to MCRGO. Instructors are free to set their own course fees. MCRGO’s program is focused on concealed carry outside the home, modeled to Michigan law, is updated as Michigan law changes, and is designed to be as instructor-friendly as possible. MCRGO will begin accepting non-instructors into the program as instructor candidates in 2017.
To apply visit: MCRGO_Candidate_Application.pdf.
About MCRGO:
The Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners is a non-profit, non-partisan organization. Formed from just eight people in 1996, we now have thousands of members and numerous affiliated clubs across the state. We’re growing larger and more effective every day. Our mission statement is: “Promoting safe use and ownership of firearms through education, litigation, and legislation.”
For more information, visit: